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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. As your speed increases, drag on the front of the rocket may be increasing but held in check by the control authority of 3 engines. Once you drop two, it may be that you're not longer able to hold attitude with the remaining engine. This happens to me sometimes. What does your rocket look like? Big fairing/cargo up front?
  2. I'm getting the usual indicators.
  3. Works for me. Did you use the bbcode link, @Zeiss Ikon?
  4. I have a question for some of the actual physicists here. This arrangement can't be stable, right? The planet would be orbiting faster than the star is rotating, and if it's that close, wouldn't it be sweeping up and accumulating matter from the star? Solar wind, at the very least, if not actual contact. Wouldn't the planet be getting more massive, and therefore spiraling in? Granted, there's quite a bit of angular momentum in an orbiting planet, and the rate of accumulation relative to the overall mass of the planet might be small, but over astronomical timescales, it can't last forever. Or conversely, is the planet being seared so intensely that it's losing mass like a comet, and therefore gradually getting farther away? And how did it get there in the first place?
  5. Looks like it is different. Seems they're updating and tinkering with our forum software.
  6. @SupperRobin6394, your thread has been merged into the master thread for this sort of thing.
  7. Welcome to the forum, and keep warm in Moscow.
  8. Vanamonde


    Oh, okay. Yeah, it's an apostrophe glitch.
  9. Vanamonde


    Ah. problem solved! Thanks @katateochi.
  10. Bill: What mission are we running right now? Bob: None. Those guys are still futzing around. Bill: This is irritating. They waste days between missions. Bob: You want to go out of turn again? Bill: Yes. Let's get something done. ... and so Project Habitat was born... Bob: Ugh. That thing flies like a blind ox. Bill: Yes, but we got it there and docked it to the station! Room for 24 more Kerbals! Bob: Yes, and thanks to our advanced design, a big chunk of the delivery rocket can be recovered for a rebate. Bill: Our turn is done. Bob: Yes, but there's some low-hanging fruit in the contracts we're being offered. Let's clean out some of that, too. Bill: Good thinking. .... and so Project Overlook 2 was born... Bob: The Overlook 2 probe was treated to Mun occulting the sun on its way to Minmus. Bill: Neat-o. Bill: And the recovery stage brought back 981.4 overlooked science from the trip to Minmus' Greater Flats and back. Bob: Sweet! But you know, there are now some even easier contracts to be done. In fact, our ships already deployed can do them. ... and so Project Mop-up was born... Bill: Someone wants to know about the conditions near Mun. Tesen Kerman (by radio): "Spiffy! That will be $36,000 funds, please." Bob: Someone wants to know how hot it is on Eve. Bill: The Evengingfall probe reports that it is 401.8kelvin. That will be $132,000 more funds, please." Bob: And now someone wants to know how hot it is on Mun. Bill: The Overlook 1 probe reports that it is 250.55kelvin. That will be another $53,000 funds, please." Bob: Okay, we better stop before the other guys get mad at us. Bill: True. But I sure would like to rescue those guys from orbit. It's easy and they're free staff additions. Bob: Yes, somebody should do that. ... hint, hint...
  11. Details are scant because the work is not being done in-house, but such information as there is to be had can be found in the weekly bulletins.
  12. Craft-sharing thread moved to the craft sharing subforum. And sorry, but I do not have a link to that vehicle.
  13. The problems with the first version were considered so severe that the whole thing was dumped and the job given over to another company for a fresh start. So there's nothing to hotfix because the old version was discarded and the new one isn't finished. Sorry. However, welcome to the forum.
  14. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports.
  15. Taking the scenic route? Welcome to the forum.
  16. No idea. Just saying that it looks a lot like what I saw. Quoth Wikipedia: "It is still in service with the Indian Air Force." Central California would be a long trip from India for an air show, but apparently somebody can still get parts to keep them flying.
  17. Had a 50s-era kind of a look to it, and I'm pretty sure it was not anything American. Thanks for the suggestions though. After poking around the internet for a while, the French SEPECAT Jaguar is a possibility. I could swear that the wings were mounted farther forward than that, but it might have been the angle from which I was seeing it. Unfortunately, I was driving at the time and couldn't stop to get a really good look. I was seeing it from the front, where it did look a lot like this.
  18. @DDE, when submitting joke videos to this forum, please make sure they abide by our rules about things such as foul language. That one did not.
  19. I have been playing for 5 years and scream at my screen daily. 1. There is no way to do this in the stock game, though unlike real life, orientation doesn't matter for communications. 2. There is an altitude for each body. Simply orbit at that height. They are listed on the wiki, but keep in mind that some KSP bodies are so small that their synchronous orbits would be outside the SOI, and so that is not possible in the game. 3. There are several guides in the Gameplay and Tutorials section, such as this oldie-but-goodie. Don't use Mechjeb and so can't help you with that one. Anyway, welcome to the forum.
  20. Sorry I wasn't clear. There is no method in stock, but there might be a mod which does it, so it seemed you were more likely to get a helpful answer in this subforum.
  21. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
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