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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. A lot of this science is tentative, and a lot more of it isn't science at all. But since the subject has great potential for bad feelings, let's please leave this discussion for some future time when there's something more sound to be said about it.
  2. You should buy. But then just about everybody here would say that, or we wouldn't be on this forum. The console versions currently have serious problems and are being radically re-worked. Even as a supporter of the game, I cannot recommend buying those versions.
  3. Neither. Up, toward the centerline of the fuselage. You know there are indicators you can turn on to show the center of mass, thrust, and lift, right?
  4. Your engines are all thrusting below the center of mass, trying to impart a nose-up rotation. Down where the air is thick, the aerodynamic parts are keeping that from happening, but when you get up high where the air is thin, that force wins out over attitude control. Try adjusting the engine positions.
  5. Well, your English is good enough, and certainly better than my Chinese.
  6. Your English is fine.
  7. Which means it's time to ask it again! Whee!
  8. This game-ish thread has been moved to Forum Games.
  9. Okay, something odd does happen in the video. Unfortunately, the title is somewhat slanted, and this is the kind of thing which we were hoping this thread would stay away from, so the link has been removed. Seriously, folks. Don't get into personal anecdotes, various accusations from the internet about which we here really know nothing, and disputing what the subject of the situation should or shouldn't consider harassment, or we will have to lock the thread.
  10. Some edits done. Keep it polite, please. Slurs toward different groups, even when cited as examples, can still make others feel unwelcome on our forum, which we want to avoid.
  11. A post or two have been removed from this thread. If you're not interested in a thread, just skip to the next one. No need to make fun of fellow KSP players.
  12. The company that makes the game was recently bought by another, and the store is not making sales right now as they do some transition stuff.
  13. That would work, @Andrey.gr, but is not as practical as it sounds. Biomes are large distances apart, as a rule, and you would spend a great deal of time driving from one to another even on small worlds like Minmus.
  14. Build a small rocket and fly it. Add a stage to it and fly it farther. Keep doing that until you get a feel for the game and figure out how to get where you want to go. Seriously. That's how I learned the game.
  15. If we get into what we did, didn't do, should have, or shouldn't have done as individuals, this thread will quickly go bad. OP's purpose seems to be to raise awareness rather than try to come to a solution ourselves, so please keep the discussions away from the personal.
  16. There are already several threads devoted to the console versions. Please keep this thread on-topic, which is the Making History expansion.
  17. Vanamonde


    That is good progress for a few weeks. You are doing well. And welcome to the forum.
  18. Since the discussion has wandered from KSP, the thread has wandered to The Lounge. Carry on.
  19. That thread no longer exists on this forum. It might have been one of those accidentally deleted in an unfortunate event a few months ago.
  20. One day at KSC... Bill: Why do these guys keep insisting on sending Kerbals to do a robot's job? The ships are bigger, costlier, and do little that un-crewed craft can't do! Bob: Yeah! Bill: We even have to provide the crews with food, water, and waste management, and pay their wages! Bob: Well, actually, no-- Bill: You know what I mean! Bob: Yeah! Let's show them and send another robot probe! Bill: Okay, nobody's been to Eve yet, right? Bob: Not so far. But we can do it! Bill: Can we get paid for it? Bob: No, no contracts. But let's do it anyway! ... several simulated weeks later... Bill: Okay, we've got this probe, but before we spend all that moolah and fly it all the way to Eve, we should test it. Bob: You know, we've been to Duna, but not the poles of Kerbin yet? Weird, huh? Let's test it there! Bob: It works! And we got 65 more science! Bill: Now on to the real mission! Bob: After a combination of aerobrake passes and engine burns, the main ship was parking in orbit to await proper landing site and conditions, and while waiting, it dispatched the relay probe. Bill: Yeah, I know. I was there when it happened, helping you control the mission. Bob: Yes, but I am explaining for the record. Bill: Oh, okay. So when the time was right, the main mission proceeded to a landing! Bob: From there it beamed back all the science it had collected from the surface, while descending on chutes, while making aerobraking passes, and upon entering Eve space! Bill: How much did it get? Bob: 994! And now much did the mission cost? Bill: Well, there was no contract, and there was the expense of the two launches, but we got a mess of world-first awards, and netted +$76,855! Bob: Neat! Now maybe those other guys will see the benefits of robotic missions! And we sure do use a lot of exclamation points! Bill: I know, right?
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