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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Lounge looks like a good place for it. Moved.
  2. Welcome to our forum, jackkiu158. To share pictures of your craft here, upload screenshots to an image-sharing site such as Imgur, and copy the link they provide into your post. Also, I have moved your craft sharing thread to the craft sharing subforum. Looking forward to seeing it.
  3. And it's got 0% to do with the thread topic! Please get back on-track.
  4. Firstly, welcome to our forum. Secondly, I'm sorry, but large log files like that can cause slow page loads or even errors. Please upload your file to a sharing site instead, and copy the link they provide into your post here.
  5. Don't feel bad. Oddly enough, landing on the runway is one of the hardest feats in KSP. It's much more difficult than landing on most of the other planets, and even harder than coming back from most of them.
  6. Star Wars is not the topic of this thread, folks. As for the actual subject, yes, it is possible to use thrust to hold an orbital path which would otherwise necessitate a lower speed. In fact, I have done this while arranging orbital rendezvous in KSP.
  7. I believe this thread has just set the record for the most off-topic any thread has ever been in world history. If it was about what should and should not be considered a continent, it was removed. If it was about secessionist political movements, it was removed. If it was about immigration, it was removed. If it was about the forum's language filter, it was removed. If it was a minor revealing personal information, it was removed. Now please, let's have a nice thread talking about where we're from?
  8. Since this is about a real planetoid (or whatever we're calling them now), the thread has been moved to the Science subforum.
  9. Some posts have been removed from this thread because they were both off-topic and politically oriented, and politics never ends well on this forum. Please get back on-track.
  10. 1) Are the tanks actually running out of fuel in the wrong order? Because the bar-graph displays in-flight are misleading, and their relative fullnesses come out looking wrong. 2) The most common reason for this is that you may have accidentally attached the boosters directly to the core stack rather than to the decouplers. Is there a visible gap between them? Pictures of your craft often help in diagnosing problems. Maybe post a few of those?
  11. Your English is fine. And welcome to the forum. That was a lucky non-break with the solar panel.
  12. Reminder from the moderation team: If you are under 18, do not give out any specific information about your location or identity. Yes, it sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how often we moderators have to snip this kind of information out of posts.
  13. That subforum is for suggesting missions for others. Since this is asking about one you're doing yourself, the thread has been moved.
  14. Wow. That is a lot of parts and mods. Congratulations, I guess? Can't tell what's happening between all those mod panels. Anyway, welcome to the forum.
  15. Please save the joke-type posts for less serious threads. This sub is for actual science discussions.
  16. Since this thread is now more about proving which of us is right about what rather than raising awareness of a social problem, it's time to move on to other discussions.
  17. Welcome to our forum. That's the good news. The bad news is, that this forum has had so much trouble with feuds arising out of fictional companies and countries that we have had to ban roleplaying entirely (2.2.j). You are welcome to participate here, but as an individual rather than the representative of a made-up organization.
  18. We regret to inform you that this forum has had so much trouble with feuds arising out of fictional companies and countries that we have had to ban roleplaying entirely (2.2.j). This sort of thing cannot take place on this forum.
  19. There is quite a good chance, since there is a whole thread for this kind of thing, and your post has been merged into it. What did you want your new name to be?
  20. Cheater. You have inside information.
  21. Well, I' male, but other than that you're wrong on all counts.
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