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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Welcome to the forum, and glad you're enjoying the game.
  2. Before it takes over this thread, please take the new Star Trek talk to its own thread.
  3. His point is that he already has, in the sense that agreeing to the old terms is carried over to the current ones.
  4. Yes, the most common cause of this is that the plane starts to rise from the ground, leaving most of the weight on the single front wheel, and then you're trying to ride a unicycle.
  5. I am informed that this rule is no longer in effect.
  6. @Just Jim, may I offer you a bit of advice? Keep Mission: Impossible in your locker of fond memories and don't watch it again. I also used to like it but caught some eps recently on oldies channels, and the scams the goodguys pulled made no sense.
  7. Welcome to the forum. I am not one of the airplane people, though, so I can't help you with your question. Someone will be along shortly, I'm sure.
  8. Sledge Hammer was pretty awesome.
  9. The rovers on the sponsons and the satellites near the front are attached using regular-sized docking rings. And on older versions of the ship, I would hang things on there perpendicularly, and the rings still held during accelerations and aerobraking.
  10. Vanamonde


    What happens when you try? It's working for me. Example:
  11. @JK_Kerbineer, your thread didn't disappear. It got moved here.
  12. Since this is not a tutorial itself, the thread has been moved to Fan Works.
  13. It looks like you're asking for this to be a stock feature? Thread moved to Suggestions, then.
  14. Please don't accuse each other of dishonesty or trolling. It just leads to arguments.
  15. Things have changed a lot. It will be a big adjustment.
  16. The goo cannister can not close again. The mat bay is the only science part that does. You don't see this?
  17. The place to ask would be the thread for whatever mod that is.
  18. Docking ports are plenty strong enough, as long as you don't get wild with the accelerations. I fly monstrosities like this all the time.
  19. @Finno12307, your question has been merged into the master thread for this discussion.
  20. I think fire department and FAA would be the agencies to check with. If they're not, they could tell you who is.
  21. Do you have a screenshot of what comes up when you r-click the materials bay?
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