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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. We have also learned that some of you can read the forum but not reply, start PMs but not reply to them, and weirdnesses like that. We are sorry for the trouble and will try to get it fixed as quickly as we can.
  2. Since this appears defunct, the thread will be closed now. People trying to use 5-year-old craft files are not likely to have a good time.
  3. @AHeroReborn, your question about this mod has been merged into the thread for this mod.
  4. @Finno12307, your question has been merged into the master thread for this discussion.
  5. Several forum members, and myself as well, experienced trouble logging into the forum today. We do not know the cause, but we have alerted our IT support about the matter. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
  6. Welcome to the forum, Annoluce. You will find several Italians are already here.
  7. Okay, we've all had our laugh. (Me included.) Now let's get back to OP's question, which was about orbital mechanics rather than the feasibility of Nibiru.
  8. @Finno12307, your question has been merged into the master thread for this discussion.
  9. Yes. As counter-intuitive as this is, it does work. At least sometimes.
  10. The person to ask would be @Badie , but with the disruption in Mexico City, you may not get a response right away.
  11. Modding question moved to the modding subforum. Also, welcome to our forum.
  12. I made a guide that might help. Also, moved to Gameplay Questions.
  13. This is why we can't have nice things. Back to the topic, please.
  14. I think what FungusForge means to say is, welcome to the forum, @JKerman.
  15. A great deal has changed since 2012. It will be like a new game. Welcome to the forum.
  16. I fly four of the little twits to orbit, but then one of them isn't happy. Why? Because he also wants a Mun fly-by. Or to pass out. Or one thing or another. Could all the tourists in the same contract have the same destination, please?
  17. No. No one's forcing you to read them. Either be happy for the newbie or skip to the next thread. Bunch of sourpusses. Jeez.
  18. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
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