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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Dudes. As we keep saying, we only delete stuff if it breaks rules, or is part of an argument which breaks rules, or something like that. Although we get accused of censorship all the time, we're actually not in the business of removing your forum content.
  2. We can close the thread if you want, but there's no harm in it. You sure?
  3. This looks like a question for @ManeTI.
  4. Okay then.
  5. What is it you are talking about here? Keep in mind that we do not allow advertising for money-making activities on our forum (2.2.i).
  6. The answers to these and many other questions can be found in the thrilling.... Daily Kerbals!
  7. Please don't make the discussion personal, and keep in mind that not everyone on this forum is a native-English-speaker.
  8. Picture sharing stuff goes in Fan Work. And so, thread moved.
  9. Removed a post or two from this thread. We were all newbies once, guys. Please don't tease them.
  10. Well, you succeeded in sharing a pic, but it's pretty small. Have you tried Imgur.com? it's pretty easy to use. Upload your shots there and copy the BBCode link into your posts here. Anyway, welcome to our forum.
  11. Several worlds used to have some of these, but I haven't seen one on Duna. I thought they had been fixed, though. Are you playing the current game version? Also, thread moved to support.
  12. Polls can only be created when a new thread is started. Even moderators cannot edit a poll into an existing thread. Sorry.
  13. Hi guys. Modding the game is one thing, but decompiling and sharing KSP's code is a problem, for various reasons. That has been removed from the thread.
  14. Some posts have been edited here. Please don't insult each other, and please just report problem posts rather than reply to them. Let people get mad at us moderators rather than you guys getting mad at each other.
  15. Check out the Tutorials subforum, and especially this very old but very helpful thread. That's the thread that taught me how to do it. Also, welcome to the forum, and your question about how to play the game has been moved to the Gameplay Questions subforum.
  16. This is going to end up being a modding question, and so it has been moved to the modding subforum.
  17. You created it September 25th, 2016, according to your profile. Hello.
  18. I would give both Moho and Dres much higher difficulty ratings, if I were you. Neither has an atmosphere to help with aerobraking, Dres has a relatively small SOI to target, Moho takes gobs of dV to reach, and its orbit is inclined. I find Moho to be the hardest to intercept, in fact.
  19. Every post in this thread which was not attempting to help the OP has been removed. And there were a lot of them. If you have no help to offer, don't post here. If the console version is of no interest to you, then why even visit this subforum? And if you dislike people who play the same game you do just because they play on a different platform, then take that attitude to another forum, because it is not welcome here.
  20. If I recall correctly, OP has raised this question before. And as we said that other time, it is never a good idea to lie on legally-binding forms, and it's an even worse idea to discuss illegal activities on our forum. Thread closed.
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