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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Yes, it's if they don't work on the game at all between the 30 or so version releases and 35 or so patches. They just release each one and abandon it all the way until the next one.
  2. He means that he doesn't feel like doing it, and since mod makers are unpaid volunteers, they do what they want, when they want. Please respect that, and having made your request, let the matter rest with his decision.
  3. This thread appears to be defunct. We can re-open it if OP contacts us.
  4. Thread moved to The Lounge, since it's not about KSP itself.
  5. This sharing of spacecraft has been moved to the spacecraft sharing subforum.
  6. Some sciency type stuff is going to come up in this thread, and so it has been moved to Science and Spaceflight.
  7. "What are this month's threads of the month?" I hear you say. Well, I'll tell you what are this month's threads of the month... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First up, how about this bit of impressive modelling? It not only looks like the real thing, but has working deck elevators, planes with folding wings, and blast deflectors. Nice work, @Makc_Gordon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discover how creative your fellow forum members are by visiting @cratercracker's busy space art thread. And while you're there, why not submit something? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After indulging in some pretend rocket science around Kerbin, you might enjoy applying the acumen you've accrued to the mental challenge of a proposal to send an amateur rocket to orbit the real Earth. If so, click on @sevenperforce's thread by that very name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget our International friends, from whom we get this combination of aeronautical art and a KSP building challenge. Thank you to international moderator @EBOSHI for creating that thread. (Google translate might be handy while visiting that one.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We usually honor newish threads that started during the month in question, but how about a thread that's been running for sixty-three months? In this month's place of honor, we give you: Yes, after more than five years, star forum citizen @boolybooly is still actively maintaining this classic challenge, encouraging participants, and updating the scoreboard. If you aren't familiar with the thread, check it out because it's a bit of KSP history, having started way, way back, when aerodynamics and ship parts were very different. (Unfortunately, some of the pictures have been lost to the sands of time, but then, so has the Sphynx's nose. ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations to this month's selections! If you'd like, there's a handy badge for you to put into your thread's OP:
  8. Deleting accounts causes problems such as leaving broken links to posts which no longer exist. It's not something we do. We can, if you like, ban your account so that no one can access it. Let us know if you want that. Also, moved to Kerbal Network.
  9. I think what these guys mean to say is, welcome to our forum, jexter_finn.
  10. This thread has wandered quite far from its subject. How about we set aside the personal rancor, please?
  11. Several posts have been removed from this thread or edited. There's no need to make an argument out of this.
  12. Thread closed by OP's request.
  13. Go to your profile, then account settings, then put what you want in the signature box.
  14. That does indeed appear to be a map of Laythe, but what was your intention with this post?
  15. Of the people currently on the team, either @purpletarget or @sjwt.
  16. Nothing just sits in the middle of nowhere in a solar system. It's going to be subject to gravity, and that means it's got to be orbiting something, and that means it's moving. And that means you'd have to match course and speed with it to dock and transfer fuel. Which would mean burning a lot of fuel, unless it's already on close to the same course you want your main ship to be taking. In which case that means the tanker is already heading to Jool, or close to it. In which case you might as well just put your payload on the tanker and not bother sending a second ship. The way to travel between planets is to reach the right velocity, so once you've achieved that, stopping anywhere short of the destination is a waste. Refueling only makes sense if you can do it at or near the origin planet or the destination planet.
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