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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Thread moved to Kerbal Network, since it's about the players rather than the game.
  2. You may post here to generate interest, but the actual "playing" of the project will need to take place away from our forum. Yeah, we know that's awkward, but as you can see, the rivalries get out of hand when we allow it here.
  3. Since this appears to be a wider issue involving more than one mod, the thread has be relocated to modded support.
  4. Welcome to our forum, Keirgarth. Unfortunately, large files like that slow page loading, so yours was removed. Please upload it to a file sharing site and use the link they provide here.
  5. Seems to be working for other people. How about providing some detailed info to help debugging?
  6. Since this involves modifying the game, the thread has been moved to the modding subforum.
  7. Trimmed a post or two. Keep it on-topic, please.
  8. This, uh, work of a fan? Has been moved to Fan Works. I guess.
  9. Removed a post or two. Please keep things on-topic and don't troll each other.
  10. A post or two has been removed from this thread. Please keep things on-topic, and leave politics for other places on the internet because that never ends well here.
  11. Please don't start this argument again. On the one hand, mot all of the console posters' complaints are valid, but on the other hand we'd all be frustrated if we'd bought a game we couldn't play. Attacking each other isn't going to help.
  12. Asking for mod updates is not against the rules, guys, unless it is done rudely or repetitively. But yes, please read the thread before posting in it so that you are not just repeating discussions already held.
  13. Overlapping threads have been merged. Also, pretty cat.
  14. I am new neither to the game nor the forum, and hardly use any mods. But I also think KSP is the best space game. Welcome to the forum.
  15. Oh, man! I knew it was coming up, but I missed the actual one which put me over the top. Anyway, thank you.
  16. Your builds are saved as text files in YourKSPFolder/saves/YourSaveName/Ships/VAB or SPH. Send them l like sharing any other file.
  17. @Jetski, large files like that cause page loading delays, so that one has been removed from your post. Please upload it to a file sharing site and copy the link they provide into your post. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  18. Watch the language, please. Of the problems you list, the only one I have ever encountered is old text in the compose screen, and that's easy enough to remove when it happens. Are you sure the problem isn't at your end? And we changed software because the previous one was no longer being supported.
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