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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Looks like you're trying to modify the game? And so the thread has been moved to the modding subforum.
  2. As a matter of perspective, keep in mind that the farthest any real rover has so far driven is 43kms, and it's taken 13 years for it to do so.
  3. This sort of thing right here is why we banned roleplaying. Rivalries between made-up companies have now induced one of our fellow KSP players to discontinue a project he/she and others might have enjoyed. Seriously, guys, this is not okay.
  4. Your accounts have been merged under the new name.
  5. Your post appears to have been duplicated several times, SpaceOdissey.
  6. Only the sender and receiver(s) can see a PM, with the following exceptions. Our IT people can, of necessity, view everything. We have occasionally asked them to look at something for the sake of fixing forum software glitches. If one of the participants hits the report button on a PM, the entire PM exchange thread is visible to all moderators. We review these to decide if the conduct is rule-breaking and needs to be acted upon. A few individuals are designated as forum admins, and they have access nearly as comprehensive as the IT people. I believe most of the Squad employees have this status, though I don't know how many of them have taken the trouble to find out how it works and actually do it. I do not know if any Take Two people have been given these permissions yet, though some of them would be entitled to it. In my experience, looking at PMs is something which comes up perhaps 5 times per, always in the context of one of the participants reporting it either as rule-breaking or a matter of a forum software glitch.
  7. Looks interesting, but I can't see it well and the first pic link doesn't seem to be working. Might I suggesting using BBCode links from Imgur? (I don't work for them. It's just an easy-to-use site.)
  8. No pictures? That's the best part!
  9. Moderation reminder: The rivalries of pretend companies and countries is what caused so much trouble that we had to ban roleplaying on this forum. Portraying your missions as performed by a company is fine, but please do not take on jobs for others, hire or fire people, and especially do not feud with each other over it, or we will have to shut down the threads involved. Also, if a thread is not of interest to you, please just skip to the next one rather than complain and ruin the fun of the people who are interested.
  10. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. Please keep the discussions on-topic.
  11. This is going to end up being an exchange of craft, and so the thread has been moved to the craft exchange subforum.
  12. Welcome to our forum. But please review our forum rules, and in particular (2.2.j), the section about roleplaying. Unfortunately, it has caused so much trouble on our forum that we've had to rule it out.
  13. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to Development Discussions.
  14. Hi AstroE. You can simply copy Imgur's BBCode link right into your posts, and they will display. Albums can be tricky, though.
  15. Thread closed to forestall more newbie mocking.
  16. Sure, link the vid, as long as it abides by forum rules about things like swearing and whatnot, it's probably okay.
  17. This exchange of spacecraft has been moved to the Spacecraft Exchange.
  18. A couple of posts have been trimmed from this thread. Please keep the discussion on-topic, and be polite to each other.
  19. Your grammar is good enough, and threads like this are what this subforum is for.
  20. This is one of the major problems which would need to be overcome before freezing and reviving people could be possible. Some animals deal with it by having natural chemicals in their cells which prevent the water from forming crystals when it freezes, but nobody has any real idea how to make that work for people, too.
  21. In the KSP settings screen, there's a column for buttons and another column for controller axes.
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