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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Nice, nautilus. But you need to rig it to fly the other way.
  2. Shouldn't require anything beyond plugging it in and running a calibration through Windows control panel. You can assign functions to buttons through the normal KSP settings customization.
  3. Tempers are getting hot and this is not a GTA 5 forum anyway. From now on, please take this discussion to other forums.
  4. Members can only edit their own posts, and while moderators can edit anybody's posts, there is no status inbetween. And even if there was, the results could be chaotic.
  5. Now that the issue has been clarified, Gameplay Questions seems like the best place for this thread.
  6. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. Asking about updates is only against forum rules if it's done rudely, guys. There's no need to be nasty to a forum newbie simply for asking a question, even if it's a question you have seen many times before. We were all newbies here once, and we will all be newbies again the next time we join another forum. Please try to treat newbies the way you yourself would like to be treated.
  7. There's a setting where you can turn this game feature off, but if it is on, then yes, the effect is binary. It's either happening or it's not, and antenna position is irrelevant.
  8. Assuming that we could figure out how to freeze and thaw a person without harm, there's still a limit on how long he/she could be stored. Freezing slows chemistry down, but it doesn't stop it entirely, and over very long periods of time the body would still decay. If you want to see the far future, a better method (though still entirely unachievable with current technology) would be to go really fast so that relativity effectively freezes you while time passes outside your speeding ship.
  9. @ShadowGulf36, your thread has also been merged into the master.
  10. This exchange of spacecraft has been moved to the Spacecraft Exchange.
  11. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  12. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  13. @computerFan, your question has been merged into the master thread for this sort of thing.
  14. Could we see pictures of it? That's often enough to diagnose problems.
  15. Thread moved to modded support, since it's got mods in it.
  16. Thread closed while tempers cool.
  17. Please allow modders to update as they have time. Some posts removed.
  18. A number of posts have been removed from this thread. For one thing, modders update when they can and when they want to. it's voluntary, so please don't bug them about it. For another thing, if someone IS bugging a modder about it, please just hit the report button rather than arguing over it yourselves.
  19. So much so that it has been moved to its own thread. Do you mean the forum's rule against RP? It's because people get so caught up in it that it causes arguments so bad that we've had to ban people.
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