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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. No matter where they put it, it's going to be near something that can ruin your day.
  2. Your English is good enough, but this subject has been discussed extensively in other parts of the forum, so this thread will be closed now.
  3. Looks like this is a support issue rather than gameplay, and so, moved.
  4. Any cat's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in catkind, And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
  5. I see a blank white space in The Destroyer's post, though Imgur images have always worked for me. Test:
  6. Technical question moved to the technical subforum.
  7. Nothing in the stock game does this, so the thread has been moved to the modding subforum.
  8. Probably just trying to do it too quickly. Try shorter burns.
  9. It's not a good idea. The subject tends to bring up arguments, and everyone on a space game forum can agree that we don't agree with those people without turning it into a gang-hating/mocking session.
  10. Remember when the OP asked to keep politics out of it? Yeah, do that, please.
  11. The like system will become meaningless if it's misused like this, and guys, those really large posts slow page loading times. Time to switch to other games, please.
  12. [insert generic newbie greeting ]
  13. Welcome to our forum, easytarget.
  14. How about downloading a fresh install of the game and moving your saved files over?
  15. This is a subjective question without specific answer, but if you exceed it, we will ban you.
  16. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  17. Thread moved to Kerbal Network, since it's about the forum rather than the game. Also, the title has been made less bad-wordy. And now that those moderation issues are out of the way, have a "like," since I always appreciate it when people on the internet take the time to try to make up and be nice to each other.
  18. Looks like this is a request for support with mods, and so, moved to modded support.
  19. I just tried it and it worked for me. Perhaps a momentary glitch?
  20. We can see the email address you used when registering at the forum, so that we can send you notifications, if need be. Your forum password is not displayed to regular moderators, but those of us with some admin access can reset it, but not see what it currently is.
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