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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
  2. That was made-up politics, so it was just plain arguing.
  3. A number of posts have been edited or removed from this thread entirely. Personal attacks and foul language do not benefit anyone.
  4. Welcome to our forum, ozzyboi123. Unfortunately, files that large cause page loading problems here, so we've had to remove it from your post. Please upload the file to a sharing site and link to it in your post. Good luck with your crashing problem.
  5. Since this can't be done in the stock game, the question has been moved to the modding subforum in hope that someone here can either point you to a mod that does it or tell you how to do it yourself.
  6. You say "beetlejuice" three times, and a moderator moves it for you.
  7. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. Keep the discussions on-topic, please.
  8. Thread moved to Kerbal Network, since it's about the forum rather than the game.
  9. @The_Cat_In_Space, when we take the content from one version of forum software and move it to a new one, some formatting and other details can be lost. What you are seeing are a few posts so old that their original posting dates got misplaced during forum transitions. The 1970 date is a default which arises from some arcane aspects of early software standards, and it was used (automatically) to fill in for missing data.
  10. Quit stalking us, you weirdo.
  11. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
  12. We could lock the account, if you like, @Astradd, but deleting can cause various forum software problems, so it's not something we normally do. Would you like that?
  13. This thread has wandered quite far from its topic and is getting close to needing warns for language. Time to move on.
  14. This thread has gotten off-topic. Some posts have been trimmed to get it back on-topic.
  15. I am all thumbs when it comes to electronics, but welcome to the forum, manifold.
  16. Three hints/suggestions/thoughts. 1) It is almost impossible to get a perfectly circular orbit. 2) It is never necessary to get a perfectly circular orbit. 3) Even if you do, a tiny bit of round-off error in the game's internal math means the orbit would not stay perfectly circular. In summation, you will get better with practice, but it really doesn't matter.
  17. Modding problem moved to the modding problem subforum. Good luck with it, @Calster804.
  18. We don't usually do that, but since no one else's posts were involved, okay.
  19. @cfds, I'm sorry but we had to remove the logs from your post. They were large enough to cause delays in loading this forum page. Please host that sort of thing on a file sharing site and link to them in your posts here.
  20. Please don't attack each other over differing opinions of the console port. Also, keep in mind that not everyone here is a native English speaker. Oh, and some politically-related comments have been removed from the thread. That never ends well.
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