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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Imgur albums often do not display properly on our forum. We've fixed it several times, but then Imgur updates again and it breaks albums again. Sorry.
  2. Schoolhouse Rock was frikken awesome. I was over their target demographic age, but liked them anyway. And I can still sing the Preamble to the Constitution. Not in tune or anything, but still.
  3. Sorry, we do not delete posts which are not rule-breaking, and you have too many to hide.
  4. Well, those are often used to mock people, and we would prefer people weren't mocking each other on our friendly little space game forum.
  5. Was babysitting my nephews once and heard this song. I still catch myself humming it sometimes. That was around 25 years ago.
  6. I have little knowledge of real rocket science and I'm too lazy to use the math I do know, but with practice, I was still able to figure out how to get places. Welcome to our forum.
  7. I do not have a favorite post, or a favorite thread, or even a favorite subforum.
  8. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. Violent cartoons are not suitable for our forum, even when meant as humor. Also, if you feel a post is a problem, please just hit the report button on it rather than reply. Replying fills the thread with off-topic content, and there's no need to shame the person who posted it in good faith.
  9. As each forum member may only have one account (4.2), your old one has been merged into this one.
  10. This (cute) work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
  11. You should probably change your forum password now.
  12. Nothing. It's locked. Ergo, nothing can happen here.
  13. This is a result of work done on making shadows better. As I understand it, they are now working on making the sun's motion smoother, too.
  14. That "video is unavailable" for me. Sounds like it might belong in tutorials, but I can't see it to make a decision.
  15. Unfortunately, the last time we checked, the forum software does not offer the option to set 'sort by date' as the default. We can check again, but I don't believe it has changed. That is not an option. I'm sorry, I don't know what you're trying to say here. Neither format makes a difference as far as forum moderation is concerned. We are asking because there has been feedback to the effect that people do not like the Q&A format. We'd like to know how that breaks down as to the numbers on both sides of the question, which is the purpose of this poll. @The_Cat_In_Space, most threads on this forum display the posts in the order that they were submitted, which is chronological order. But this subforum's Q&A format displays them ranked by the number of approval votes they have been awarded. The idea is that the best answer should make it to the top, but in practice, so few posts get votes that more often it merely scrambles conversations and makes discussions hard to read.
  16. Overlapping threads have been merged, and there is not currently a way to convert a purchase on one platform to another platform.
  17. Your feedback has been moved to its own thread.
  18. These works of fans have been moved to Fan Works.
  19. Unfortunately, guys, it's all or nothing. Chronological format does not have the vote or best answer buttons.
  20. It may be possible to convert this subforum from its current question-and-answers-ranked-by-vote format to the normal replies-listed-by-submission-date format the rest of the forum uses. If so, would you like us to do this? Would you still want us to try this if there is a risk that the conversion might cause problems and lose some posts and/or threads?
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