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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Some personal remarks have been removed from this thread. There's no need to make enemies out of each other over comms satellites in a space game.
  2. Imgur updates frequently break album links on this forum. I do not know why. We've fixed it several times but it keeps happening. Anyway, check the thread cited above for developments.
  3. I dunno. Let's see if our tech guy does. @ManeTI?
  4. No matter which side you are for or against, and yes, even in fictional form, bringing up politics on this forum never ends well. The link to your story has been removed, @daniel l.. Please leave that sort of content for other places on the internet.
  5. How about some KSP trains, guys?
  6. Thread moved to Gameplay, since it is seeking help rather than offering it.
  7. My guide is a couple of years old, but should still work.
  8. Oh, man. Some of the spambots trying to get on the forum lately have been about that SEO stuff. Maybe we should approve some?
  9. Restrain the tempers, please.
  10. Ah. Well, we can't choose all the nominees.
  11. @Geschosskopf, we've had some turnover on the mod team. Real-life commitments took precedence for a few of the guys. To whom did you send the nominatoins? Check the list of moderators to make sure he's still on there.
  12. I use Imgur and haven't noticed any trouble. Are the pics still in your Imgur account?
  13. Which hosting service are you using? Also, moved to Kerbal Network.
  14. I think this is a popular idea, but the challenge could use more detail.
  15. Why do you need it to be rigid? If you're going to move it, docking rings are plenty strong as long as you don't over-do the accelerations.
  16. For three days I've been on the edge of getting a cold, which won't either get worse or get better. Also, my bathroom has been half-disassembled for a full month while plumbers do a repipe on my apartment building.
  17. Vanamonde


    Oh no! I try to make sure everyone gets greeted! How did I miss this? I feel terrible, @jvplays90
  18. The answers to these and many other vexing questions of the day can be found in the fabulous... ... WEEKLY DEVELOPMENT NEWS SUBFORUM!!! This post brought to you by insufficient sleep and the number 5.
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