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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. As always, guys, please talk about the other person's points rather than the other person's personality.
  2. Folks, please stop accusing each other of trolling. Not everybody comes to this game with a knowledge of flight and vehicle terminology, and even some of those that do may not be familiar with the English versions of those terms. Anyway, in the past when I have parked a vehicle at each end of the runway, they are indicated as being 1.8km apart. That was a couple of versions ago, though. Has it changed?
  3. Please leave the discussion of mod issues for other threads. This one is about the Mainsail model.
  4. Yes, the vehicle tractors doing doughnuts can be quite entertaining.
  5. As a how-to kind of a thread, this discussion has been moved to the how-to subforum.
  6. Quite some time ago, Squad announced that multiplayer would be one of the first things they work on after 1.0. That is why you haven't heard anything about it lately; they are concentrating on other features for inclusion in 1.0 itself.
  7. Two threads about the same subject matter have been merged.
  8. Even in its unfinished state, I've spent more time with KSP than any other game. But I'm not "happy" with it as-is in the sense that I want more of it!
  9. Merged into the existing thread for this movie.
  10. Interesting how it surges then falters several times.
  11. As this appears to be the report of a mission which is still under construction, it has been moved to Mission Reports.
  12. Add-on Affairs is the right subforum for this, and so, moved.
  13. This work of a fan has been moved to Fanworks.
  14. This book already has a thread. And so, merged.
  15. I wish people would abide by the game rules, but I see that's already been corrupted. So, I wish for a pony of my very own, instead.
  16. Has Oblers' Paradox been mentioned yet? Of special interest is the explanations section.
  17. Hm. Could have sworn I closed this earlier. Anyway, yes, merging would be a mess at this point, so please take the GMO discussion to the other thread.
  18. Moved to Gameplay Questions, since it's a how-to kind of a thing.
  19. I believe this is a request for mod help, and so, moved. If not, we can move it again.
  20. If you need clarification, please ask for it without criticizing anybody's use of language. No need to be hurtful about it.
  21. Oh, and now I have to scold myself for going off-topic. This thread should be about Monsanto and GMOs. In fact, let's take the discussion to a better place for this sort of subject.
  22. And so some posts were removed. Please keep it on-topic, folks, and avoid linking to things that might be dangerous and profane, even if they are funny.
  23. I do not find it difficult to believe that an infected person would make it into the country. What I find difficult to believe is the suggestion that it was arranged deliberately, by the most prominent anti-disease organization in the world. Do you really believe CDC doctors are so evil or heartless that they'd risk killing people just for the sake of (I believe your suggestion was) testing a vaccine? Governments have done that, and worse. But the CDC? There's a saying which I can't remember who said it but I think it's very wise. "Never ascribe to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity." Somebody screwing up and allowing ebola into the country? Sure. The CDC doing it on purpose? That I think one would need to back up with more evidence than your inability to find source.
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