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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. ... when you stop comparing yourself to the skill levels of other people and just enjoy playing the game.
  2. This suggestion for game merchandise has been moved to the Suggestions sub-forum.
  3. Since this idea has been brought up so frequently, to avoid repetition and to keep the discussion all in one place, the Already Suggested List has set up a master thread to include the idea of crew specialization. This thread will now be merged into that one.
  4. You are welcome, but it keep in mind that I haven't been there in the current version, so who knows, it might be buried again by now.
  5. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports. Carry on, and good luck.
  6. As the game is still in development, not every aspect of physics is completely implemented. Kerbals are immune to G-forces while in ships, and will survive as long as the capsule part does.
  7. They intend to. Squad has said that stock KSP will not be militarized. And since that's settled, let's let this tired old thread go on to its heavenly reward, eh?
  8. You are free to disagree with each other, but please keep in mind that your fellow forum members are not your enemies, and avoid insulting each other.
  9. For the second time, with reference to some deleted posts, please leave politics and national characters for other forums, as we do not want those arguments here.
  10. This thread has been closed by OP's request. In case you missed his announcement, there's a new version here.
  11. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to the Suggestions and Development subforum.
  12. The game is in development. As development continues, old bugs will be eliminated, but new bugs will appear. There will be times when it has more bugs and times when it has fewer bugs. That's just how it works. If you have specific bugs to report, please do so. Meanwhile, this thread is descending into insulting language, and will be closed.
  13. These surveys were taken in America, so it is not surprising that they therefore cite statistics about Americans. That doesn't mean the thread is anti-American though. Please allow your tempers to cool and leave pro- or anti-national sentiments out of the discussion, or we might just need to close the thread after all.
  14. Hello Alluminator and welcome to the forum. Right now, the forum software is not entirely convinced that you're not a sneaky spambot, so you can't customize your profile. But after you post a few more times, the software believes you about the whole being human thing, and you will automatically be granted full member status.
  15. This is more of how-to and gameplay question, and so the thread has been moved to that subforum.
  16. We like to keep the game-mechanics kinds of questions in the how-to section, so this thread has been moved there. Carry on.
  17. Merged into the existing Mars One possible-scam thread.
  18. Moved to the Kerbal Network subforum.
  19. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to the Development & Suggestions subforum.
  20. But let's do in the sub-forum for fan fiction! (Moved. )
  21. Firefly is a great series, but it is not the subject of this thread.
  22. Pictures of the ship are necessary to help diagnose problems like this. Can you post some screenshots? Meanwhile, this thread has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  23. You should be past any limitations on posting, but we all need to link to external hosting sites to submit pictures to this forum. Is that perhaps what the problem was?
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