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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Indeed, this is no longer an issue, so the thread will be closed to avoid confusion.
  2. That was pretty much my response to discovering this game. Welcome aboard.
  3. You post a couple more times and then the forum software will grant you the ability to customize your profile, since it no longer suspects you are a spambot.
  4. Is this meant to be ship-sharing? If so, add a craft file and we'll move it to Ship Exchange.
  5. The pros and cons of procedural parts are best left to other threads, please. This one is about Spaceplane Plus.
  6. Hello valaise and welcome to our forum. If you've been playing for 1.5 years, maybe you can answer questions rather than ask them.
  7. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to the Suggestions and Development Discussion sub-forum.
  8. This exchange of craft ideas has been moved to the craft exchange sub-forum.
  9. Looking at pictures of kitties on Imgur.
  10. This question about how to save a mission has been moved to the how-to-questions sub-forum.
  11. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  12. Lots of us have done it. What sort of trouble are you having when you try?
  13. I see a "New Posts" buton on the left of the header of this page. Is that not displaying for you? (Oh, and thread moved to Kerbal Network.)
  14. Yes, this does feel like a Fan Worksy kind of thread. (Moved.)
  15. Maybe we don't need this thread. We don't need a lot of threads, but somebody wanted to say something nice about his fellow forum members. And if these threads annoy you, why not just skip to the next thread? No one's forcing anybody to read this one. Where's the harm?
  16. Some players experienced this as a bug a while back. I hadn't heard of it happening recently.
  17. This discussion of the game's (planetary) development has been moved to the Development Discussion sub-forum. (Keep in mind, though, that lobbying for the addition of more planets is a What Not to Suggest list item.)
  18. What bugged me about the Wesley character is that sometimes they wanted to have a certain complication in the plot, but it was something so stupid that none of the grownup characters would have done it. So they'd have the annoying kid do it, and then we'd have to watch the interesting characters clean up his mess instead of doing something actually interesting. Also, he flipped between two modes: insufferably perfect, and petulant brat. Ugh. Who wants to sit through that? I had a similar hatred for the Barclay character. He was so grotesquely incompetent that any sane navy would have thrown his butt out the first time he royally bollixed something up. Instead, Star Fleet kept giving him second chances (and third, and fourth, etc.) so that he could go on screwing things up for them.
  19. Oh my, the info in this thread is more than a year old. There is an option on the KSP store's pages, once you are logged in, to make a one-time, irreversible switch to getting the game through Steam. However, the deadline for getting any post-completion expansion materials included in the purchase price is long passed.
  20. Good point. Okay, closing this one, and directing any additional posts people would like to submit to that newer and more active thread, please.
  21. Please ask this question in the thread of the mod that's causing it, because yes, this is the umpteenth thread on this subject.
  22. Hello TheFloppyfish and welcoem to our forum.
  23. This thread is pretty old, and spaceplanes in the game have changed quite bit since then. Feel free to start a new thread on the subject, but the info in this one may be out of date. So please check the last post dates on threads before bringing up one that might be outdated.
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