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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Two threads on the same joke subject have been merged.
  2. A number of posts about the relative appeal of various sports and sundry other off-topic stuff have been removed from this thread. Please keep the discussion on-topic, guys. Also, while tempers are running high in this thread, we can not allow our members to insult each other. Do not let things get nasty, or we will have to issue infractions.
  3. And it is still in development, so what's the problem? Being a on the test team is not a privilege. It's a job. They don't just do whatever they want to do in the game. They try to break it, and if they succeed, they're obligated to sit down and make out a report, in the proper format, and insert it into the bug tracker. The "experimental" version of the game is updated frequently, up to several times per day, and when it is, the testers have to patch their advance copies or download a fresh one and start over. It's not all fun and games. As a moderator, I am welcome to participate in that, and I choose not to. Why? Because it's a job and more than a little of a pain in the behind.
  4. Welcome to the forum and to the game, J3ansley.
  5. If this phrase is an "excuse," as you say, what is it supposed to be an excuse for? How is it an excuse to say that a game which is still in development is incomplete? That's simply the fact of the situation. The fact that the game has not been completed as quickly as you would like does not mean that it never will be. It's not done. Yet. New versions and content may not be coming as quickly as you would like, but that doesn't mean they aren't coming. If you do not like that aspect of the purchase, the time to object would have been before you legally agreed to the purchase terms, but you were indeed told up front that these were the terms. You are getting exactly what you were told you were buying: a work-in-progress with no announced completion date and no specified pace of development. If any of this is a surprise to you, you did not actually read those terms before agreeing to them. Because they are responsible software creators who are trying to limit the number of bugs players experience while playing with their product. There is never a good time for unproductive baseless ranting. There are, however, entire forum sub-sections devoted to reasonably stated bug reports and development requests.
  6. Low and wide landers are indeed the key to avoid tipping over. If you like it, the craft file and a written moon walkthrough can be found here.
  7. Hello DFriese. and welcome to our forum.
  8. I also think this belongs in fanworks. Meanwhile, welcome to the forum, and nice first post.
  9. Please do. Folks here are pretty nice.
  10. Hello PaladinFoster. Welcome to the forum.
  11. It's just a ripple in the terrain. There were others, but I don't recall seeing any since they re-did Mun with all the craters.
  12. You might want to look over mod offerings, but life support is on the What Not to Suggest List of items that have been talked to death on the forum, so we'll be closing the thread now.
  13. Hello Airlock, welcome to the forum, and thanks for preventing the air from being lost.
  14. Edit the first post, then choose "go advanced." You'll see the option to change the prefix on the upper left. (Also, thread moved to Kerbal Network.)
  15. Hello Indy, and welcome to the forum.
  16. This exchange of ships has been moved to the ship exchange section.
  17. Hello Mr. Duchamp, and welcome to the forum.
  18. Vanamonde

    Help me

    Thread closed, to assist the ignoring.
  19. Politics, certain politicians, and how various races supposedly vote is not a subject we are going to get into on this forum. Please avoid those aspects of the situation before the inevitable ugly arguments start.
  20. Sorry guys, turns out there's mature content in the video, so we had to remove the link.
  21. Yes, the puffs are bits of your own engine exhaust smoke, erroneously placed ahead of your ship by a weird little glitch. I believe it was HarvesteR himself who gave us that explanation. I like them. It helps me get a sense of the speed of my vehicles.
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