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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Vanamonde


    I played the re-work of Sid Meier's Pirates. I had a lot of cute features, but got repetitive very quickly. It had a wide-open game world, but not much depth.
  2. Everything in history is a reaction to something else. Way back when, Aristotle said that tidy ideas were more important than messy reality, so if an experimental result didn't turn out as theory predicted, it's because the world is imperfect, and therefore the idea should prevail anyway. So for a couple of thousand years, human knowledge largely ignored evidence and came up with ideas based on nothing, such as the theory that disease is caused by an imbalance of the 4 bodily "humors," or fluids. As a reaction to that, science was devised with the rule that if evidence for an idea is not conclusive, the idea CAN NOT be relied upon. The idea may be true, for all we know at that point, but it would be folly to follow Aristotle's path and behave as if the theory is true. So yes, science rejects a lot of ideas, and for good reason, but only until the ideas can be and have been proven, credibly, and in a repeatable way. But scientists are fallible human beings, just like everybody else, and they can at times get carried away with rejecting non-conventional ideas. And sometimes they get cranky about it, like when they are badgered by believers in nonsense that was proven wrong years ago, like astrology. But the fact remains that science is conservative, and deliberately so.
  3. There's already a .24 megathread, even though there's no .24 yet. Anyway, the new .24 thread has been merged, to keep the thread mega.
  4. This question about how to play the game has been moved to the gameplay questions sub-forum. Carry on.
  5. I believe those references are from after they gave up trying to correct people.
  6. There's a sub-forum for discussing mod issues and advice, and this thread now occupies it.
  7. While this is indeed a handy thing for players to know about, creating one thread to link to another thread on our same forum is a bit redundant. This thread will be closed now.
  8. Spacecraft require the fine control of the keyboard, while aircraft require the constant-analog-input of a joystick.
  9. No screenshots? But yes, I would also advise practicing a few more times before risking a (fictional) life. You can even practice with the crewed design if you add a probe core to it and take the pilot out before launch.
  10. I have not seen it happen myself, but a number of players have reported sourceless rotations while in Mun orbit. Kasuha's explanation for it seems reasonable to me.
  11. Check out GOG.com. Stands for 'good old games.' They are things that have been out for years, and so are selling DRM-free for sometimes as little as $2. So if you don't like it, you haven't lost much. But the thing is, they are mostly good games that were popular in their times, and have been around long enough to be well-debugged. The graphics will be ancient, of course, but if you're like me and you're more impressed with gameplay, that's really not a problem.
  12. This is a question we moderators ask each other ALL. THE. TIME. My theory: people who play KSP are used to being smarter and more informed about space science than the people around us in the outside world, and tend to voice our opinions as if they're fact. Then we come here and find ourselves conversing with some actual experts, and it can be hard to be reminded that we're not the always the smartest person in the room, and we don't know everything. Notice that I am including myself when I say this. Yes, a couple of times I have gotten all high-and-mighty and tried to insist that I was right, only to be smacked in the face with sound numbers presented by a true expert. If you're lucky, the guy proving you wrong is nice about it, but they aren't always, and it can be pretty unpleasant even if they are. And that, I think, is why discussions in the Science Lab tend to turn nasty. The trick is to try to be open to the idea that you yourself can be wrong, and admit it. On that subject: Kasuha, you were right, and putting control surfaces of a heavy rocket did not stop it from tumbling end-over-end, as I was sure it would. And Temster and RoboRay, aerobraking is not as hazardous as I was convinced it would be, though that may still change when atmoshperic heating s added to the game. As for everybody else I have argued with, I am still right and you are still wrong! (Just a joke. Please don't get mad. )
  13. When they were little, the game's creator/brothers HarvesteR and Moach used to play with little matchstick astronauts, which they called "Kermans." "Kerbal" is the adjective form of Kerman, though most players don't know that, so everybody calls the little people Kerbals. (Note: I heard this story a very long time ago, and might be mis-remembering some of the details.)
  14. Have you tried going through the Windows control panel calibration routine again?
  15. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to the development discussion sub-forum.
  16. Appearance is not the only difference. The stabilization parts have different masses. Inline reaction wheel: 0.3 Inline advanced stabilizer: 0.5 But since they are the same size and exert the same force, yes, the advanced stabilizer is redundant, and you can save a little weight by using the inline wheel instead.
  17. It was nice of you folks to offer help today, but this thread is 4 months old and is not talking about the current version of the game. These suggestions may no longer be applicable.
  18. Let's do try to stick to the subject of the thread, okay folks? We've just removed some completely off-topic rambling and responses to it.
  19. If you succeed in bringing a ship back from Eve I am going to be angry, because I've been playing for two years and haven't been able to do that yet. Meanwhile, welcome to the forum.
  20. Looks like there's some cleaning up to do. The thread will be back momentarily. Okay, I think that's everything. Ladies and gentlemen, I actually agree with quite a view of the viewpoints expressed in the removed posts, but the fact remains that politics, nationalism, and accusations of genocide have no place on our friendly forum. We're opening the thread back up now, but please stay away from politics or we'll have to close it and leave it closed.
  21. Although the lady herself has not been terribly modest, please keep in mind that we have younger members on our forum whose parents would prefer the discussion didn't go into the details of her escapades.
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