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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Please, let's not debate the morality of mods here.
  2. This question about gameplay moved to the gameplay questions sub-forum. And while I'm here, are you suggesting an aerobrake maneuver which results in the ship making a hop to a higher altitude and then falling again for a final descent on the same orbital pass? Because I'm pretty sure that won't work. In KSP, the capsule will not be redirecated upward. But perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you're suggesting.
  3. This is a subject that many people feel strongly about. It's fine to disagree and to say so, but insulting other members will not be tolerated, so keep it clean. Also, thread moved to Science Labs.
  4. This does not happen in the stock game. It's got to be one of your mods, so start checking those to see which one introduces G-load failures, and then read up on the conditions under which they happen.
  5. Although it is not large enough to initiate fusion, Jupiter has a great deal of heat left over from its formation. The matter which formed Jupiter, falling together under mutual gravitation, was heated by friction and collisions, and the planet has not had anywhere near enough time to radiate all that heat away. The result is that it actually gives off more heat that in receives from the sun. And that means that no, Jupiter would not freeze for a long time, even if had already been ejected from the solar system.
  6. Hello thabryc. and welcome to the forum. The Kerbal Worf is profoundly awesome. (And sorry your post went un-greeted for so long! I'm annoyed with myself for overlooking it. )
  7. KSP planes have weird glide ratios. It just takes practice. Have you tried landing on open ground? The runway is a rather small target for an inexperienced pilot.
  8. Congratulations yoshi0520. Getting to Mun orbit is no small thing. After all, Apollo orbited before landing there. It's one of the more scenic worlds in the game, too. Just watching the surface flow by while you orbit can be quite engrossing.
  9. Hello titaniumweasel, and welcome to the forum. I've moved your post over to the newbie greeting area because the developers are not looking for suggestions about planet improvements right now. They do update the planets' features from time to time, but it isn't very high on the priority list right now. I also would like to see rings, though.
  10. In my post in this thread, the third downloadable craft file is a ship capable of making round-trips to Kerbin's moons, and it was made using only parts from tiers 0-3. As for launchers, it just takes practice. Build something that looks good, test it, and if it reaches orbit with too much fuel, remove some from the design and try it again. Good luck, and have fun.
  11. Are you on a mobile device? If so, I'm told there's a button at the top of the screen to get the desktop version to display with the options you're looking for.
  12. This sounds like a job for the forum forum! (So, moved.) If you are posting in the proper sub-forum, there will be a little prefix menu on the upper left of the screen when you are composing the first post. If you're not in the right sub-forum, there is no such menu, or it won't have the options you expect.
  13. You're welcome. I know this because I can't bring myself to delete or over-write the previous version when the new one comes out, so I still have all versions from 15.2 on my hard drive.
  14. Create a new folder, and copy or re-unzip the game's files into it. That's pretty much it.
  15. This request for mod advice moved to the mod advice sub-forum.
  16. Isn't it also the case that Kerbin's moons just aren't going that fast? Mun orbits at, what, 542.5m/s? And you won't get a geometry that would apply 100% of that to your ship's velocity. So if interplanetary transits require outgoing speeds on the order of several thousand m/s, it's just not going to end up being much of a boost. Or so it seems to me.
  17. It's general advice for everyone on the forum, and it's no one else's business who the moderators do or do not consider "problem children." Just quit griping at each other and get on with the thread.
  18. There's nothing mysterious about whirling masses causing on object to skip around on the ground, and the fact that it's flailing more often in one direction than another is due to a combination of things. Your rotating structure is not on the center of mass, for one thing, and on an arm at that. Notice that each jump of forward motion takes place at the same cycle in the rotation of the masses? The structure is compressing/bending, then pushing itself off the ground while the wobbling happens to be in the forward direction, whereas on the opposite side of the cycle when the wobble might push it backwards, the descent side of the hopping is pressing it against the ground and increasing the friction experienced by the wheels and axles so that it doesn't roll back as far as it rolled forward. If you built something precise enough to experience no vibration at all, suspended it in some way that it had no frictional contact with stationary objects, and operated it in a vacuum, and it still imposed a motion in a consistent direction each time it was operated, then you'd have something mysterious and contrary to known physics. But the device in your video has so many and such large potential causes of error that I'm afraid it's not proof of anything.
  19. I'm sorry guys, but talking about this sort of thing at all is off-limits for this forum. The problem is that even if start off debunking it, someone else wants to jump and say something like, "But this part isn't really wrong!" and then we're off to the races with some defending and some accusing and hard feelings come up and it gets ugly. So the forum rule is to stop that before it even starts, by declaring some topics off-limits, and closing threads like these. Please continue enjoying the discussions of other threads.
  20. Because a player wanted to call his friends' attention to something else they might enjoy. It's already in the off-topic area and not breaking any rules.
  21. If you have a problem with something another member has posted, please simply hit the report button and let a moderator take care of it. Arguing with other players just makes the forum less pleasant for everyone.
  22. This construction advice request moved to the how-to sub-forum, where people with answers can find it, and people with similar questions can learn from it.
  23. Lolbster is correct; the Hitchhiker's surface details are mostly just for looks, and it does not have a built-in docking capability. To change the status of a thread, the OP must edit the first post in the thread, then choose the "go advanced" options, and choose "answered" from the little menu there.
  24. Well, this thread has wandered from evolution into disabilities, eugenics, and people speaking insultingly to each other, so it's time to close the thread and move on to other subjects we can discuss in a civil matter.
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