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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. There isn't a control mechanism on an SRB engine. The solid propellant is placed in the booster so that the thrust is determined by how much surface area is exposed to combustion from one moment to the next. In other words, the throttle is set when it's made, not while it's operated.
  2. When you first join the forum, there are some limits on your account until the software is sure you're not a spambot. (Also gives us a chance to take cussy words out of your posts.) Anyway, post a few more times and your account status will change, and then you'll gain the ability customize your profile.
  3. Hi Spragoo. I poke around on Kerbal Reddit sometimes, too. But his forum is more active, and I like the format better. Anyway, welcome to the official forum.
  4. The bottom of Duna's analog of the Mariner Valley has a flat bottom, but the valley turns here and there and might not give you a straightaway long enough for a good speed run.
  5. Say you've got a ship consisting of part A (root part or close to it), connector C, and then part B. If the connector is a decoupler, firing it will produce two sub-assemblies, A and CB. If the connector is a separator, the result of firing will be 3 separate pieces, A, C, and B. To be honest, I've never understood the need for the separators to have been added to the game, but that's the deal: decouplers stick to one side or the other, while separators stick to neither.
  6. Splitting the threads would require splitting posts as well, and would create quite a mess. Anyone who would like to start a thread about levitating cities should feel free to do so, but that discussion does not belong in this thread, and from this point on, will be considered off-topic here. Please continue discussing terraforming in this thread, and only terraforming. (Also, remember Sal_vager's request for civility, as tempers seem to be rising again.)
  7. Hi Green Skull. I like to play stock-only, but there are a few things like this which tempt me to go over to the dark side. Welcome to the forum.
  8. When you stop worrying about how good you are in relation to other players?
  9. As this project is unrelated to KSP, moved to the off-topic lounge.
  10. Is the navball showing all-blue when that happens? If so, your rover thinks it is sitting on its back. You can try adding a probe core, docking ring, or some other part you can "control from here" to what you want to be the front of the rover while driving, and/or remap some of the steering keys in the settings screen's "rover" sub-section.
  11. ctbram, your posts are being moderated because of the number of infractions on your record. To get off the list, drop the attitude toward other forum members and watch the language. To summarize for others, ctbram would like clear and specific directions for the placements of the necessary files and folders.
  12. Someone woke up on the snippy side of the bed. I will now commit seppuku to expiate the shame of having overlooked a post while attempting to help a fellow player.
  13. Hello Mechscientist. Welcome to the forum.
  14. I would just like to say hello and welcome to the forum.
  15. This belongs in gameplay questions. And now, it is there.
  16. Everybody is so cranky lately! Once again I must say, please comment on the subject of the thread and avoid criticizing each other's personalities.
  17. As I always say, test on the ground before you get to space. Avoids all kinds of heartache.
  18. The center of lift is even with the center of mass in the vertical plane. That has no inherent stability and the vehicle is as likely roll as not. Try making the wings shoulder-mounted so that the weight is hanging from the wings, and the plane will have a slight but helpful tendency to stay upright. I don't see an obvious cause for unwanted yaw, though. Perhaps make the tail boom longer so that the control surfaces are working over a longer lever?
  19. I use Thread Relocator. It makes sure threads end up in the right sub-forum.
  20. Hey Victus. I moved your post to its own thread. Welcome to the forum. By the way, you should be able to start new threads by clocking on the "+ post new thread" button on the upper left (below the header) of the sub-forum pages.
  21. Some players have found that rigid structures made out of struts work better than landing legs on Eve.
  22. Docking ports are stronger than a lot of people will tell you they are, but any mass that is only secured at one end has the potential to start swinging like a pendulum. And the more massive it is, the bigger a problem that will be. This is a ship I built a while back that is similar in size to yours, and also assembled with medium docking rings: The core and side tank mounts are all one piece, and the tanks themselves are smaller. It experienced a bit of oscillation, but nothing bad enough to damage the ship or make steering difficult. The trick is to keep the size of the swinging masses to a minimum, and cross-brace them wherever you can. Incidentally, that design evolved into this one, which launches as one piece and is very stable structurally. The struts between the engine stacks keep the ship rigid.
  23. Does this happen consistently? It's rare, but I have seen it happen randomly on a ship which had no design problems, and which had flown properly before and after the problem flight.
  24. Okay, how about another trick? Aim him where you want him, hold down the W key, and without letting up on W, alt-tab out of the game. He should continue to walk in that direction indefinitely, covering the distance while you do other things, even if you alt-tab back. The downside is that there's a trick to making him stop as well. He won't unless you hold S to bring him to a halt, then return to the space center without letting up on S. When you resume-flight him again, he will respond normally. Kind of a pain, it's true, but less tedious than holding W for several hours.
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