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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Underutilized engines are a bad thing, as others have said, especially with the LV-Ns, because they're unusually heavy. You'd be better of re-designing your ship to use fewer engines. Post some pics of it, if you have questions about how to do that.
  2. Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip? To get to the same side.
  3. The discussion is getting rather heated, both sides have said their peace about Mechjeb, and new players can read those and form their own opinions. So from this point on, please discuss the game rather than each other, and consider the subject of Mechjeb covered. Thank you.
  4. If you go to your settings file and change CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 3 to CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 0 it will display your projected path next to the planet itself. Then you can tab to focus on that planet and watch the result of your manuever node fine-tuning.
  5. To answer your second question, closing the gap would depend on the exact alignment of your path to the planet's orbital path. Could you perhaps post a screenshot of mapview? Meanwhile, put a manuever node at the halfway point of that transit and tug on the markers to see the results and how you might arrange an intercept.
  6. Hello Interkosmos. You will find several of your countrymen/women already on our forum.
  7. Okay, okay. Everybody's expressed him/herself on the subject of other's attitudes. Before this gets nasty, let's turn the discussion to the shuttles themselves, please.
  8. You've over-shot it. It's not on Mun. (Kerbin's north, I believe.)
  9. Newbies are often too bashful to ask their questions on the main forum for fear of bothering more experienced players, so the Welcome sub-forum is a bit looser about that sort of thing.
  10. Folks, Xetalim originally posted this about 8 months ago. It's nice of you to offer help, but I suspect he's cracked the moon landing problem by now.
  11. Fuzzwood, we'd prefer to help other players rather than criticize them. Perhaps you'd like to explain a bit about radians? (I myself have never gotten the idea, despite getting As and Bs in calculus.)
  12. Happens all the time. Imgur is growing faster than they can keep up with it.
  13. I fixed the title for you, but just so you know, you can change the title of a thread by editing the first post and "go advanced."
  14. space_cowboy, the launchpad and runway are both soil types. Really. Try it.
  15. Switch to the "ruggedized" wheels. They were added to the game specifically because the other wheel types have such poor traction in low gravity.
  16. If you're using Imgur, there should be a BBCode link auto-generated, which you can copy and paste here, without additional formatting.
  17. Archodus, I felt the same way about Morrowind, though I was already grown up when it came out. I would be running around on quests, turn a corner, and be stunned into standing still and just staring at the scenery and light effects in that game.
  18. Do you have terrain scatter turned on? Gilly is the rockiest world, so you're not getting the full experience without terrain scatter.
  19. (Psst! Find one of his other posts and rep that one.)
  20. This is where you can get them, robopilot99, whether some other people want you to or not.
  21. This should be in the suggestions sub-forum. And now, it is.
  22. You can dock with only the main engines, but then, you COULD perform surgery with a hacksaw, too. GungaDin, dock mode is intended to be a player aid, but it's only an alternative, and you're not required to use it. I don't, because I don't want to keep two sets of steering reflexes in my head and switch back and forth between them.
  23. It's not clear to me what you mean by this. Squad hasn't stopped making documentation, but rather they haven't started making documentation. The game is still so heavily in development that they don't waste time writing up features that will be changed, so that they don't have to re-document. In addition to weekly Devnotes and irregular announcements, HarvesteR himself has posted recently. The Squad guys don't post very much because they're busy making the game, but they certainly aren't ignoring the forum. They can't update every aspect of the game in every update. I'm not speaking as a moderator now, but as a long-term player and observer of the forum. Every few months, somebody stats one of these threads which boil down to, "This is my pessimistic subjective impression of how badly the game development could breakdown, so I am going to start angrily blaming Squad *now* for things they have not done yet, and might not ever do." It's an over-reaction, and premature. If you don't like the way something is being handled, if you believe it should be done another way, post about it in the Development sub-forum. They *can't* make everyone happy and they won't do everything the way you personally might want things done, but they do listen and consider player opinions. There's no need to be so angry about it, and there's no need to (as other threads like this have done) start throwing around accusations of incompetence and dishonesty. And there's certainly no need to treat other forum members as enemies, and throw around insulting terms like "fanboy."
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