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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. As the game develops, Kerbals will have the ability to gain experience, but for right now, those traits are dummies and the only thing they affect is the facial expressions of the crew.
  2. Hello SilverMethod. It's nice that you have more time to play the game now.
  3. You can put RCS thrusters on things even if you don't want to keep the thrusters. I often use the trick of placing then on decouplers, which you can eject. leaving no traces to mar the beauty of your ship.
  4. There's no rating system. It doesn't matter what other people are doing as long as you're having fun. But to answer your question in less preachy terms, if you can dock in Kerbin orbit and make round-trips to Mun, you'll be able to do just about anything the game requires.
  5. The status change might not happen right away, though. It's something the software does periodically, so you'll be updated on the next cycle after surpassing the post limit.
  6. I'm afraid "navigating" is a pretty big subject. What was it you were trying to do? Get to orbit? To Mun? This may be of some help: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/30238-How-to-Read-the-Navball
  7. Hello Jimmy Jazz. Welcome to the game and to the forum.
  8. Are you building that in the VAB as a unit rather than docking those two sections in space? If so, it appears that the docking rings were never really attached to the parts above them in the first place. There are a few ways that could happen, and it's hard to know what the problem is without seeing how it was built. Do take Xavyen's advice to make sure the ports are aligned properly.
  9. It's a gas-analyzing instrument. Liquid water isn't a gas. I think it should work on a floating ship as long as the instrument itself isn't submerged, though, shouldn't it?
  10. A picture of the ship would help. It might simply be too big for the chute. Meanwhile, when does the chute fail? When it snaps fully open 500m over terrain? You could set it to open higher, or you could add addition chutes and attach them in different spots to distribute the shock.
  11. Your reward for being an early supporter is having to pay for it twice???
  12. I'm not tired of games. What I'm tired of is the way they just keep putting out the same games with new names tacked on and ever more progressor-clogging graphics crammed in even though that adds nothing to gameplay. I'd be playing right now if I had anything besides KSP that didn't feel like I played it years ago under a different name.
  13. Hello Dan Yovich. Welcome to the game and to the forum.
  14. Are you using jet engines? Can we see pics of your ship?
  15. Sorry, but once other peopled have posted in a thread, their posts are not yours to delete. I have, however, closed the thread for you.
  16. It's more advantageous to bring the scientific instruments back, it's true. But there are still times when you don't need the additional mass of a piloted capsule to do that, or you don't have the tech to make a roundtrip and don't want to send Kerbals on suicide missions, in which case transmitting is better than nothing.
  17. Hello TheSquirrelPatrol, and welcome to our community. By the way, this forum has a sub-section for mission reports, if you'd like to post them where other players can find them easily.
  18. It's not clear what you're asking for, I'm afraid. Did you want this thread moved? Or has it served its purpose and can be closed?
  19. I think most replies are missing OP's intention. He seems to be talking about using jets at multiple points on an interplanetary flight, which does not promise to be very advantageous. Laythe is the only other world which has an atmosphere that allows jets to generate thrust at all, but even there, they will be less powerful than on Kerbin. In other words, after you leave Kerbin's atmosphere, any jet engines you're carrying will be more hindrance than help.
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