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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. That's the polite way of saying that he got smooshed somehow. Did you crash a ship?
  2. Hello PorkChop808. So you are a returning player?
  3. While holding a key to make a Kerbal walk, if you alt-tab out of the game without letting up on the key, he will just keep walking, even if you alt-tab back into the game. The problem is that the only way to get him to stop again is to hold the opposite walk direction key, then return to KSC. Still, useful for covering long distances in circumstances such as hiking to a rescue ship.
  4. I took a roadtrip from the north pole of Minmus to the south pole one time. It took days.
  5. Real ships would, but KSP's aerodynamic system is just a rough first-draft that will be replaced later. Right now, parts have the same drag whether they're in the airflow or not, so there's no penalty for making a wide ship. Flybys of the moons are pretty easy and get decent science, without having to land. It's also quite a simple matter to send a probe out of Kerbin's SOI and transmit results back from the 'biome' (so to speak) of "space high above the sun," though you don't get as many points if you don't bring the ship back.
  6. What I do is send a rover to scout locations first. When it finds a good spot, I park it with its headlights illuminating and pinpointing the flat spot for following ships.
  7. Like any problem, taking a break from it sometimes helps. Maybe you forgot some bad habits while you were away?
  8. That's a different bug, though it's called by the similar name of "hell kraken." It happens sometimes when a Kerbal touches the surface of a world. The only way to fix it is to shut the game down completely, perhaps requiring the task manager, and restarting it from desktop. When you do, though, you may find your ship has been reduced to a scattering of parts flying away at ludicrously high speeds. The only way to undo the loss of the ship is if you have a quicksave to revert to.
  9. Tall rockets have few points of cross-connection, leaving them liable to flex. The "asparagus" stating you hear people talk about makes ships more fuel-efficient, but also provides points for cross connection. By building additional stages around the previous ones instead of under them, your rocket will be more stable, more fuel-efficient, and easier to steer. An example: The side tanks are arranged in opposing pairs, so that there are 3 stages on the lowermost level of that rocket. Also, you can see I've used struts from those side stages to help stabilize the connection to the upper stage. This is where to find aircraft wheels: This is one way to place ailerons, and this is another. Landing planes without landing gear is quite a trick, but this guy pulled it off. Of course, he's crazy. Flying a tanker to the island would be quite a trick. It might be easier (though much slower) to send it as a boat. But there's actually not a lot of advantage to doing it, because the tanker will run out before long and itself need to be re-fuelled. Rockets can't rely on acquiring oxygen from air, and therefore must carry both fuel and oxidizer in heavy tanks. Jets carry the fuel, but skip the weight of oxidizer by drawing it from the air. Thus, the same weight of carried substances will propel a jet much farther. But also, KSP jet engines are simply over-powered when compared to their real-world counterparts. The game is still in development, so there are some odd aspects to it like that.
  10. Gustomundo, if you copy-paste the BBCode link from Imgur, your image will display without you needing to add any code to it.
  11. MrCoolx10, since there was already a thread on this subject, I have merged yours into it, to keep the forum tidy. (You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just letting you know. )
  12. You will find several of your countrymen on the forum, including one of the moderators.
  13. I don't think I've ever before met anyone who had favorite Greek letters. At any rate, welcome to the forum.
  14. Luke, I am not your father. Search your feelings! You know it to be true!
  15. This is a rover-deployer I made for somebody a while back. You can use spars to space the landing legs more widely so that it's hard to tip when landing.
  16. I had a flag actually explode once, as I was flying near it. That could be what happened to yours. Looks like you'll have to fly another mission out there to replace it.
  17. To change the status to "answered," click to edit the original post, and you'll find the option under "go advanced."
  18. Stop, people! Think! When Sauron asks for help crafting things, it does not end well!!!
  19. The classic kraken attacks ships moving at very high rates of speed, on the order of kms/sec, often while warping, so I think you had a more straightforward structural failure. What does the ship look like?
  20. Look around and see what's talked about. Movies, science fiction, and space tech, for the most part.
  21. I'm afraid it's not clear to me what you are asking. To return from Mun, just get into orbit and then plot your return burn. Any orbit will do, though the closer to equatorial you can be, the less fuel you'll use.
  22. "I'll just stick this piece on the side there with a girder and-- Aarrgh! I don't have them yet!" It's so frustrating having to crowd everything onto the centerline because that's where the attachment points are. But I'm not complaining. I like the design and building challenge, even if the result does sometimes come out looking silly.
  23. There's no proper pace. Later, when parts cost money and that sort of thing, players may need to find ways to be speedy and efficient, but for right now, just have fun with it. And by the way, most players' first few missions don't gain much because there are limitations on what you can build with beginning parts.
  24. It sounds like your plane might simply be too heavy, edemapolmonare. Have you tried mounting additional landing gear to distribute the load?
  25. Those seem like quite reasonable designs, but how about more pics of them in action? Especially the deployable sub-ships.
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