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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Another long-time lurker climbs forth into the daylight? Hello Black_sod.
  2. My mastery lies in Library Science. It was a good career choice, as I work with extremely nice people, which is important to me. I hope you enjoy your career choice. Anyway, welcome to the forum.
  3. This is the most ridiculously over-complicated mission I have ever seen. Not that that's a bad thing. Your next project: an all-boat space program.
  4. Well, it's time to get over that and post some screenshots of stuff going wrong.
  5. Hello. What are you mastering with your degree?
  6. It's A LOT overkill, but as you note, intended for new players. Thanks.
  7. Additional point: after oh so carefully setting your approach while still in interplanetary space, slow to 10x warp or less for the transition to the target's SOI to avoid that bug which throws your periapsis wildly out of position.
  8. Are you saying you can land the plane elsewhere, but not at the poles? As for crazy suggestions, how about parachutes? (And thread moved to gameplay questions.)
  9. Let's watch the attitude, please. A simple, "I disagree and here's why... " would get the point across without making enemies of fellow players.
  10. Moved to gameplay questions, where you're more likely to get helpful responses.
  11. Thread moved to the welcome section, since that seems where it would be most appropriate. deflekta, the game should work pretty much the same way through either purchasing method, though I believe the guys at Squad keep a bit more of the price if you go get it straight from the KSP store.
  12. I've never had the slightest interest in online games, but a Firefly universe just might make me have to change my mind.
  13. That's not a real term. It's just that your ship reminded me of the wonderful old science fiction movies made by a director named George Pal.
  14. It's a burden being a role model. I try to stay humble about it.
  15. If I recall correctly, Squad is not refusing to implement internal movement, but rather it isn't a priority right now.
  16. Sirine, we've talked about 10,000m being the minimum to avoid disappearing flights, but it looks like you've refined that to 8000? I'm curious as to how you arrived at that figure.
  17. What kind of advice are you looking for? Ship design, or flight planning? Just guessing from the pic, you could probably make Dres with that, but I don't think it has the delta-V for farther destinations.
  18. I'm up to Mark 103. I had to stop using Roman numerals because it wasn't leaving room for the names.
  19. Hello zeppelinmage. Welcome to the full game, and to the forum.
  20. Vanamonde


    As a moderator you may characterize me as many things, but I am NOT a doctor!
  21. No. As long as you clear the atmosphere at all times, there are no sources of friction or anything else that might cause the alteration of an orbit.
  22. Commissioner Tadpole, are you using a joystick? Even a cheap one would make your life *much* easier because the keys only toggle zero/maximum control surface rotation. Meanwhile, you might try the first plane I posted in this thread. I haven't updated the design for quite some time, but it should still be pretty stable in the air and easy to fly, though perhaps not to land, under the updated SAS.
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