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Everything posted by softweir

  1. Unfortunately, a lot has changed in KSP since then. Most significantly, the aerodynamics were adjusted, in consequence of which rockets that were previously stable are now much less stable and vice versa, and that rockets that used to have enough power are now underpowered. Your description of the problems you are getting makes me suspect your old design practices need tweaking. I certainly had to redesign a lot of old rockets after that change came out! You may find that playing with rocket designs will pay large dividends. Perhaps downloading some designs from The Spacecraft Exchange and seeing how they work might be useful? I find that most good rocket designs now work without having to play with MechJeb too much. Still, it is worth going back to @maja's post and read through his suggestions, and work your way through the ascent assist until you have mastered them. Those tweaks and adjustments to MechJeb can be oh-so-useful when trying to expand one's repertoire of rocket designs! Good luck with this! It's frustrating when a good old game gets improved in ways that upset old gameplay habits, but it can be worth persevering.
  2. Don't worry. All Kerbal capsules have more than ample snack supplies - your pilot won't starve! In due course, when your rocket-building, rendezvous and docking skills are good enough you can go and rescue him/her in a rocket with one spare seat. Use a claw to catch his capsule, and have him spacewalk across. You have it lucky! I ended up with a few such accidents back in the days when there were no docking ports, no claw and no EVA RCS system, so there was no practical way to rescue stranded Kerbals. You either left them there or aborted the mission.
  3. Since this is about an Add-On, I have moved it to Add-On Discussion.
  4. Hey guys, this is getting oh so very far off topic! Perhaps let's get back to talking about SpaceX?
  5. Surely KSP belongs in the Choices Matter award? In KSP there are infinite choices, and they all matter! That's what makes it a wonderful, frustrating and so, so rewarding game to play.
  6. Good point! A common suggestion is that mod-users run from a non-Steam copy of the KSP folder so updates don't ruin mod-dependent games. All those who follow that advice will, therefore, not appear on the stats. Also, let us not forget all those who run games downloaded from the KSP store - they will never appear in the Steam stats.
  7. Another very useful mod for this is RCS Build Aid. You can use it to adjust the relative positions of RCS units and ship components so that RCS maneuvers are balanced (its original purpose) and you can also use it to balance masses around thrusters either by moving the masses or moving the thrusters. It gives a real-time display of how a ship might turn while thrusting or attempting to RCS-translate, or how it will translate while attempting to turn. This allows you to tweak your design and see how well balanced everything is.
  8. Seems like they did so for this Anniversary edition! The graphics seem to resemble the graphics used to illustrate the Guide speeches from the BBC TV series of H2G2. Oh, and to stay On Topic, KSP is very much alive, and under active development!
  9. It would be even cheaper to use a couple of C-17s and fly them out after the drop-off.
  10. Mod Hat On: Hello and welcome to the forum! Might I ask you to use the Quote feature with care - it is unnecessary to include the entire content of another person's quote when it is rather long, and especially when it is immediately above yours! Many thanks. Have fun!
  11. *Moderator hat off* OK, so there could be so many possibilities, it's hard to tell. (Apologies if I tell you anything you already know!) First off and easiest is to open the PC up and extract all the dust. A 10-year-old PC may well have a huge amount of dust; this causes overheating, which causes crashes. When removing the dust do not use a vacuum cleaner! Static can build up in the pipe of the vacuum cleaner, and this can arc to the PC components and cause damage. (I have killed a PC by using a vacuum cleaner.) Use canned "air" (actually a compressed propellant such as is used in spray-paint) to blow the dust out. Pay special attention to the CPU cooler. Second, make sure all cables are plugged in properly, and remove and re-insert the memory. Do the same for your memory card. Whenever the PC warms up and cools down, tiny expansions and contractions of plugs and sockets can make them get loose, and when they are loose enough you get intermittent connections, and these cause crashes. If this doesn't fix things, then it gets harder. You will need a CPU-temperature tool, but you will have to search around for one that can operate on your old machine. If you do find one, use it to check your CPU temperature while playing games. You can also use MemTest, a free tool which repeatedly reads and writes your memory, checking for faulty memory locations. Also do a checkdisk (should be part of Windows) on your hard drive - an old drive like that may well have faults, or even be in the process of slowly dying. If you tell us more about your PC (the makes and models of your motherboard, CPU and GPU etc) then we might be able to give more specific help on finding safe, free tools you can download. Good luck!
  12. Not, strictly speaking, a Science and Spaceflight topic. Moved to The Lounge.
  13. Mod Hat On OK guys, this is going waaaay off topic. Impotence jokes, MiB jokes, English lit... Let's stick to SpaceX shall we?
  14. Nope. No end! Not that I have ever got close to needing and ending, because there is always so much more to do. Got to all of Jool's moons? Do it with more experiments! Check out every biome! Build a nicer ISS! I tend to go off and try a different game, then lose my saves long before I run out of things to do. At the moment I am attempting something I have never managed before - send a probe (landing or flyby as appropriate) to every solid body in 100% stock.
  15. Moved to The Lounge - it's the best place for it! (It's about the people playing it, rather than about the game itself.) Also, thanks for helping the community in this way!
  16. It looks like Aviator Arsenal is still only compatible with KSP v1.2.x Maybe the parts can be found elsewhere?
  17. Indeed! Lesson re-learned! Apparently the .cfg was distributed with an old version of RealChutes. How, why and when it got put in /Squad I have no idea. *shrugs*
  18. That was it. I failed to stockify the save properly. Now I have that paranoid feeling one gets when one can't remember how the heck something like that got there...
  19. Ignore please. KSP 1.3.1 - Module Manager 2.8.0.dll disables stock Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute. This is... funky. Using MM with no other mods causes the radial parachute to fail to appear as a parachute. It doesn't appear in the staging lists, nor to the engineering report, nor can it be deployed by right-clicking. To recreate: Brand-new KSP 1.3.1 install. Drag ModuleManager.2.8.0.dll into GameData - not other mods needed! Start new sandbox game. Enter VAB and choose a module - I was using the Mk 1.2 capsule. Choose the above radial parachute and attach it to the capsule: the parachute fails to appear in the staging list. Confirm that the Engineering report believes there to be no parachutes. Launch capsule, and confirm that parachute isn't in staging list, nor can it be deployed by right-clicking. Save and log file HERE OK, so I failed to completely stockify my install.
  20. I don't have this with most of my rockets, just occasionally if I get the aerodynamics wrong, ie too much payload fairing at the front. One reason you may be getting it for the first time is that Squad changed the aerodynamic model to make the air less soupy, so rockets which would launch well once upon a time need some adjusting. It might help if you showed us a few piccies of rockets which don't launch well. In the meantime, try setting the Limit AoA to a small number of degrees, and it can also help to reduce the gimbal range on your first stage engines. Most stock engines have way to much gimbal range, so MechJeb is constantly trying to make small adjustments to attitude and finding it is over-adjusting because of the excess gimballing of the engines. It then tries and correct for that - and gets an over-correction! If the Rocket isn't stable enough then that is a positive feedback loop that leads to total loss of control.
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