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Everything posted by Stoup

  1. Yeah, I think this might be a bit messy. Maybe instead, the overlapping topics relevant to both games can be grouped, such as General Discussion KSP1 KSP2 Gameplay and Tech Support KSP1 KSP2 etc etc. That does lend itself into branches getting even more nested, though. Hmm!
  2. Yeah, this is an issue that's plagued the game for a long time. You can't really have multiple connections like that without duct tape in the form of docking ports or copious strutting, etc
  3. I have similar issues to the above with an rtx 4070ti, the LODs for jool are wonky
  4. I tend to pipe up when this discussion comes around specifically because I did actually get a few ads for KSP2 preceding early access release. Probably a fair chunk of that is just search algorithms picking up on my suddenly huge amount of time spent here but on YouTube, for example, I definitely got plenty of ads before videos started advertising KSP2. As for the release, as in the full 1.0 release? As far as I can tell there's been as little mention of the 1.0 release of the game as there could be, given the huge amount of unknown variables between now and then. I can scarce imagine people in charge of KSP2'S image trying to get hype built up for such a far off window
  5. I don't actually agree that EA wasn't hyped up. Between ad campaigns on YouTube, the trailer they paid to have made, all the countdown to release windows that were posted, there was a lot done to get as many people as possible hyped for EA release
  6. I definitely agree that forums are better. I think we're in a pretty great position, in that we do have viable communities on both sides. You aren't going into a ghost town trying to use the KSP forums, and if Discord is more your thing, there's loads of people in that same boat too. My ultimate feeling is that, relative to what they're useful for, both forms are seeing their potential be pretty well met right now. I do see what you mean about CMs etc seeming to be more active on other services. In my eyes, part of that is just the nature of em. It's gonna look like they're more active no matter what because the nature of what they can share is the flip side of that coin of communication being ephemeral: Because it matters less, it happens more. Just my two cents on the issue. If anyone else really loathes discord but wants someone to help poke around I'd be happy to take a peek in!
  7. I mean, consider the alternative timeline. KSP is delayed a year or two from its early access date in 2023, to let's say, 2025. It releases, and... the performance is comparable to how the performance is right now, cause they weren't able to receive the kind of feedback they needed to realize that the systems they had were seriously not going to fly. I'm dubious of the fact that it took early access for that decision to be made, but, it could be worse! We could have all the roadmap content, only piled onto a totally untested foundation.
  8. I also appreciate that you're being clear about the fact that bug fixes for an update 2 are already in the pipeline. Just because something seems finished, doesn't mean you're just gonna plop things out as fast as you can in a chaotic torrent. Kudos! Level heads must prevail
  9. As happy as I am for the news... it seems like it'd be logical to reconsider if there's any other areas of the game that might be due for a proper refactor like this instead of trying to trudge along old code. I'd hate to see us running into similar walls due to constraints placed by similarly neglected code in other areas of the game!
  10. Additionally, if you're on Discord I can give you a hand there as well! Stoup#8397
  11. I mean, if we've determined that Discord is more of a platform for shortform communication, wouldn't it be more logical that there's just more messages going through that medium? Doesn't mean the forums are neglected. We get community challenges the same as the Discord, and major info is sourced HERE rather than there.
  12. I was able to notice it from low orbit over the Mun, as the Mun moved behind Kerbin relative to the sun the surface became very dark. Not as dark as the nightside, interestingly, but definitely way darker than daylight. Though now that you mention it it is odd not to see more eclipses on Kerbin of the Mun, if this kind of effect is being modeled!
  13. Okay, just to run through the whole thought process, what makes you think the forums aren't regarded as the primary method of comms? Just about every time I've seen information posted in the discord, it's usually telling people to come to the forums for a more detailed breakdown.
  14. I second that notion Anth. It feels rough that it took so long for the realizations that core things like this are not gonna be sustainable. But as long as there's a willingness to face what doesn't work, and if needed replace it, even if that's a tremendous amount of work, I'm glad to see it being treated for what it is!
  15. One thing I think needs attention is the fact that, when you're high in orbit, the movement of the altimeter is just constantly spinning. I find it distracting and kinda unnecessary when you're in that specific scenario
  16. Oh, dark mode is working now! And the red version is sleek, love it. It's great for browsing on mobile Oh, I noticed some of the emoticons don't have proper transparency in dark mode
  17. There's no need to only pick one, though. These forums still have plenty of relevance, hell, they're stated to be the preferred method for things like bug reports etc. Doesn't mean people can't enjoy both formats!
  18. In fairness, there's definitely been an effort to consolidate the most relevant info from the discord into one specific channel. It's not a perfect solution, but it does mean you don't have to trawl the whole thing over. And besides, for short little tidbits of info like that, would it really be appropriate to create new forum threads? There's gonna be a thread tomorrow with that info, I'm sure
  19. It was mentioned in the discord dev tracker that it won't be this week. Beyond that no specifics. We are getting some news tomorrow, however! Dakota described it as medium-sized, if that's any help
  20. Not really a discovery worth hashing into its own thread, but... Can we talk about how eclipses darken the surface of bodies now? I just discovered this while searching the Mun for anomalies, it's wild. Sun still has a lens flare but the mun's dayside surface is significantly darkened Ohhh, okay! Doing a little more discord digging, cause I seem to be unable to stop myself from attempting to gleam every little nugget of information possible about this game According again to Dakota, we might get a little more insight into the process of how the team approaches releases. Not that they haven't already communicated that they prefer bigger patches over a bunch of small ones, but, a little more elaboration on that will be nice.
  21. Very cool! I love the VTOL with the tilted cockpit
  22. Hang on, I think I still have some candles lying around here somewhere...
  23. https://discord.com/channels/1039959585949237268/1080246925699326032/1083490195946618970 A few messages popped up on the dev tracker channel. No update this week according to Mike, but Dakota says news tomorrow! Tangentially related, is there a less esoteric way to reference discord posts? Other than by opening Discord? I'd take a screenshot and just paste that but then I just feel old.
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