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Everything posted by cyberKerb

  1. Just as a follow up - I've not seem any further issues since Thursday afternoon. No Capture requests, no and I've been able to edit posts fine. At a guess I'd say the Captcha process (for submitted posts) was stuffing up something with a timestamp field used for permissions to edit it in the future. EDIT: @sumghai - just got the no-edit error for this post. Interestingly, I didn't get a captcha message when I posted it, so my above musing are probably way off base.
  2. Thanks Sarbian - I checked that as well just now. Unfortunately it only fires on the EVA repair event. Propably fired under the event wheelDamage.EventRepairExternal() I've scoured the API for while this afternoon and I think my only option is a FixedUpdate check like the below. public Boolean firedalready = false; private void FixedUpdate() { if (this.wheelDamage.isDamaged && !this.firedalready) { this.firedalready = true runMyRoutine() } }
  3. Is there a GameEvent or function that fires when a wheel breaks? Specifically - when the wheelDamage.isDamaged value get set to true. I was hoping to get something to fire when this happens rather then constantly testing the value in a FixedUpdate piece of code. I've tried the GameEvent.onPartFailure(runthis) but that doesn't seem to fire for wheel breakages.
  4. Wait... what? I thought Kerbals weighed nothing once inside a capsule? Or were you strapping them to chairs for the exit from Eve?
  5. I agree that an engineer is required to repack the craft chutes. For a IRL comparison (as is KSP resembles real life - but annnyway) vs
  6. Unfortunately what you listed above will not work. I had a quick scan of the maths involved in the forum posts I menationed and it tells me the numbers I gave in the initial (wild guess) example are completely wrong, but I was kind of guessing that would be the case. Also - the example you modified doesn't have the header part that specifies what resource it is for. So that bit of CFG wont do anything other than probably error out on load. Take some time, have a read of the forum posts mentioned and give it some contemplation. KSP is a big game about learning high end concept (eg: orbital mechanics) Delving into the modding side is sort of the same - It's doable with a bit of reading and learning about what's going on. It's past midnight hear so I have to sign off. Good luck!
  7. Read this post <here> and the following 10 or so posts afterwards - it should clear up what the numbers should be.
  8. @overlordmas What I think you might be after is to role play the idea of the skimming part. This means I think you are looking for a resource abundance mod. You could add a (thin) band of the desired resource just above the atmosphere altitude as you described. The Karborundum resource included in the USI Karbonite+ mod does the solar harvesting thing, but around a body (where specifically, that's a secret for players to work out) - but you could use that method as the basis of what you are trying to achieve. You should be able to create your variation of the mod yourself with notepad and a bit of study of the cfg files and how it works. Something like the below would the resource distribution - I've not tested this, and I'm not at all certain of the scale of numbers I've used in the example. You'd need to search the forums for that information, Here's an info post / and another / and probably the better one on the config def but the idea is sound. You'll also need to replace the "SomeResource" with whatever you were looking to "collect". (nitrogen or oxygen ). If you want more that one resource, you'd need an extra resource config for each one. //Resource types: // 0 = Crustal (Stuff you dig up) // 1 = Oceanic (Stuff in the oceans) // 2 = Atmospheric (Stuff in the air, varies with pressure) // 3 = Interplanetary (Stuff you find between planets) PLANETARY_RESOURCE { ResourceName = SomeResource ResourceType = 3 PlanetName = Kerbin Distribution { PresenceChance = 100 MinAbundance = 10 MaxAbundance = 100 MinAltitude = 71 MaxAltitude = 71 MinRange = 1 MaxRange = 1 Variance = 50 } } Speaking of "collect" you'll also need a mod to a part to allow you to harvest said resource. Again I'd suggest studying what Roverdude has done with Karbonite+ specifically this part. It would be a little more involved needing other mods like CRP as well as USItools and maybe others to get the Resource collector module to work, but this should point you in the right direction for what "I think" you're looking for. Another part collector is what ARS has suggested below. If you're ACTUALLY wanting to be in the atmosphere, this method wouldn't work (at least, I think not)
  9. I'm getting the Captcha and no-edit issue on PM's as well. Not just forum posts. I does seem to be specifically when quoting another post / PM.
  10. See here regarding captcha issues. Don't know if they have fixed - but it seems to be a collection of issues being worked on by @ManeTI
  11. Not sure, but if you're asking to change the screens that are displayed while files are loaded - you can use this mod and specify images you've taken from screenshots.
  12. @Dman979 / @ManeTI Whatever you did - thanks! I saw that my post (mentioned above) got edited at some point. I noticed that the quoted text ended up no longer quoted. I can confirm that whatever change you did, it allowed me to edit my post with no problems.
  13. Hi @RoverDude Just wanted to check that the difference between the models used by resource lodes (Rock.mu & Rock2.mu) is that Rock2.mu only has half a collision mesh? I'm guessing it's deliberate as they are the same shape either way. I've been playing with the resource lode models and code over the weekend for other uses and I've just checked using Sarbians Debugstuff to see what the collision meshes look like. I found that the collision mesh used by UsiExplorationRock (Rock.mu) looks fine and is close to the model. However, the collision mesh used by part UsiExplorationRock2 (Rock2.mu) is only half there. This causes it to be sunken halfway into the ground when spawned after a resourcelode scan. I'm checking if this is deliberate is because I'm experimenting with spawning this rock2 model (using MKS methods) - but due to how KSP decides what to do with objects merged with the ground (I'm wildly guessing it's due to the half a collision mesh), I'm finding it often explodes after doing a little jump up and down dance trying to find a way to be ok in the world. I fixed my specific issue by using rock.mu for all spawns via a change to the stock tweak MM patch. I set the lodePart back to UsiExplorationRock.
  14. Closest out there at the moment is Space Age by Garwel
  15. @Just Jim I just saw the "Seats in Orbit" Kattabos mod review and I'm now wondering if some of the chairs might appear when Samantha makes an entrance?
  16. See if <this post> I mentioned helps at all. Hoping it has something you can see in the background that makes it obvious as to the problem. It seems pretty set of being borked and unable to be edited
  17. Hi @Dman979 I also got the Captcha/not a robot check. I was able to be quick enough and was able to post my comment. However, now I can't save an edit to that post.. here is the error that appears when I try to click "save" after making my changes (Attempting to change "You" to "You're". After I click OK to this message, the forum save button gets stuck being greyed out with the text "Saving..." - Ok weird - now it works if I edit this post. However, I can't edit this specific post it seems. I'm a habitual editor of my posts (3/4 times) to correct spelling / add all sorts of extra information so this is quite frustrating.
  18. You're mostly correct. The beacons are powered by EC. It's specifically the jump action that requires Karborundum to function. The Karbonite resource is not relevant to the mod (unless you change the cfg files), but is included in by way of the required CommunityResourcePack mod (included with the ESLD mod) Karborundum is found off-Kerbin. (ESLDBeacons Wiki mentions two places specifically - wont spoil it here in case you'd rather 'explore/search' for them in your game.) There is also the extras folder that comes with the ESLD install. This gives you some additional options on where you'd like to find Karborundum so you can tailor your game to have you want to play. Having Karbonite on your extractor is not added by this mod (at least - not that I can find looking at the github code). Karbonite adds to the following drills "DRT-21 Ventral Drill Assembly" / "DRT-40 Radial Karbonite Drill" / "KA-625 Mini-Drill" from the Karbonite+ mod which you should also see having Karborundum on the extractor. If you DON'T have the USI Karbonite+ mod installed, you should only have a Karborundum extract option added to your drills from this MM patch included with ESLD If you DO have Karbonite+, you will have other resources added (Karbonite included), but there will also be an additional place where you can harvest Karborundum via a solar collector. Specifically 'where' is up to you to find out - just know it's NOT within 2000m of the sun as described by the very old Karbonite forum thread. That location has since been moved due to Kerbol getting a massive increase in heating effects when you are close in past KSP version update.
  19. Hah! Thanx for this - I was about to post an issue on this as I tested over the weekend and found I couldn't use this part. It kept beeping at me, so I thought I must of missed a step in the manual.
  20. That looks awesome - great work! I especially like the Moon pool. Design- wise, I also really like how you constructed the "legs" as they look like a single part when viewed from afar.
  21. Sounds like this would be a better fit as a parameter added that KAC could use to set alarms for sunrise on bodies other than Kerbin. It has been raised last year in this post and is being considered as @TriggerAu has mentioned. It is listed as a github issue #103, so it's on the to-investigate list (so to speak) If you're able to help grok the maths required for it to work, I'm sure it would help contribute to it being worked on.
  22. Here a suggestion - not sure if it's worth the effort to do it though - a similar table, but for the highest and lowest point when in a 0 inclination orbit around the body. (ie equatorial heights only) So if you use a polar Orbit, you'd use the first table. If you use the equatorial orbit, you'd use the 'other table' as it would be specific to 0degree inclination.
  23. @IgorZ Congrats on the pre-release - I've finally decided to bite the bullet and update to 1.4.3 (from 1.3.1) and I might as well use this instead of the old KAS for the new career.
  24. I'm creating a science experiment that is required to be returned to Kerbin to earn the science points. This means I've set the experiment settings to include canTransmit = False & dataIsCollectable = False I need to do some testing when I get home, but I've assumed that with canTransmit = False, the float values - xmitValue & xmitBonus - for the ScienceData obj that is generated, would probably be zero. My only available variable looks like I might be able to modify the ScienceData.Amount to a lower number when I wanted the available recovered science value to go down. Once a ScienceData instance is created from an experiment with the above settings, is it possible to modify the 'Amount' value while in the flightscene (using some code I'd write) so the final recovered science points would be lower than it was when generated? The goal is to not have the same static value of science points recovered for an experiment run in the same biome twice. Anyone know if there is something similar done already?
  25. @Snark Just wanted to acknowledge that you have to be one of the more patient moderators / modder on the forums here. Not to take away anything from the other people doing similar work, I just happen to follow a good number of your threads, so it might be selective bias . Even when you have to step into moderate, the post is direct, fair and never seems rash / off the cuff. For your mod threads, I've seen posts that would drive some modders to frustration due to blunt request/ demands, but again all I see is understanding there is a lot of new people to the game, despite it's age. Thank you for your work and sharing of your mods (this one included). I can only image what kind of gameplay you regularly go through to warrant the creation / publications of your mods. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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