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Everything posted by Ferrit

  1. Bwahahahahaha! *ahem* That shouldn\'t be an issue And, more importantly, welcome to the forums! Have fun!
  2. Ferrit

    Age Poll

    *blink* Um.... Anyways, I suddenly feel like an old codger, 34 years of experience!
  3. Glad to be of some help And that\'s a good looking lander, nice to see it intact and doing the job right
  4. Watching the video I think I can see the issue you\'re suffering; and you\'re going to kick yourself The intitial descent was fine but then (in the video) between :30 and 1:00 you applied thrust and RCS in the direction of horizontal travel increasing instead of decreasing horizontal speed. Remember the TVV with an \'x\' is the backwards direction (descending) so to slow down thrust needs to be applied in the same direction i.e. with the \'x\' TVV close to the centre of the navball or using RCS in the same direction as the \'x\' TVV (\'x\' TVV left of Navball centre use J to bring it back towards the centre). To complicate things this is reversed when not descending (as the TVV without an X is showing actual direction of travel). I hope this makes sense and helps. By the way, that is one awesome crash! 8)
  5. Nice lander! And I\'m with you, always like a rocket that can keep it\'s crew alive for a while longer than usual. Once get the hang of Blender I hope to make some Habitation modules in various sizes and configurations (though this will have to wait for real life). Keep it up and welcome to the forums!
  6. Nicely done Any successful mission is a good one and a Mun mission doubly so.
  7. It should work but Mars does seem to be a bit of a hard target; more than its fair share of probes and rovers have gone splat for various reasons. So I\'m confident that it will work but not going to be too surprised if, unfortunately, something goes wrong.
  8. If this works (and it should) the landing will be really something special.
  9. Attached is my Aquarius Lander and a full mission report\'s on my DeviantArt account (link in profile). From the start I wanted to include the habitation module (centre) to give my Astrokerbs the maximum time on the Mun\'s surface (yeah I know there\'s no actual need as yet but it made sense to plan ahead). And I wanted to be able to return that habitation module to Kerbin too. This extra weight and length influenced the design from the start. It would need a lot of delta-V and one heck of a lot of parachutes for a safe landing. Trying a conventional stack of parts quickly made for a dangerously tall and thus unstable lander and trials (oh gods the trials.... ) revealed that any mission was likely to end with the lander falling over. So a squatter, lower design was needed and with fuel tanks bolted on the sides the height issue was solved. The Aquarius is the result of surprisingly few changes to that initial concept, mostly fine tuning the RCS position so it can kill horizontal speed as easily as possible. One thing I learnt during Kerbin trials was that the RCS tank does not like anything on top of it when landing, it was a point of repeated failures, hence it\'s position at the bottom of the lander. A second issue was the sudden \'yank\' opening the \'chutes would give Aquarius, so the \'chute on the nose of the lander is opened first to stablise it and then the rest of chutes are deployed. The yank is still there but reduced, and a modification to the staging now deploys the remaining \'chutes in pairs so the maximum g-force\'s the lander experiences is below 3.5g. With careful control enough fuel will remain in the lander to enter orbit over Kerbin and de-orbit close to the KSC (though using RCS to help is often required). I\'m usually a little more 'enthusiastic' so haven\'t quite managed it yet
  10. Just watched the video and it had me creasing up with laughter! Keep up the good work and best of luck! 8) *goes to watch part 2*
  11. Nicely written, very informative (a few diagrams might not go amiss but hey) A tiny issue - the planet\'s Kerbin, the star\'s (usually) Kerbol
  12. I\'d say standed in orbit is worse, much harder to rendezvous in a large orbit than to land close to the stranded Kerbals on the Mun. And welcome to the forums!
  13. Agreed, this works beautifully and just looks so right Added bonus is the smiles it brings to Jeb and co\'
  14. Attached my equivalent from the first succesful Aquarius mission - As landing on the Mun for me is a bit hit and miss as to timing Kerbin\'s a bit dark but next time who knows A full picture series of the mission with commentary is on my DeviartArt page, link in profile block to the left
  15. True but only if the vehicle is roughly evenly balanced around the centre of mass. Several of mine are rear end heavy (2m service modules) or otherwise uneven. A trick I\'ve started using is to boost them straight up so they\'re in free fall outside of the atmosphere and check the RCS there. Can quickly see if things are balanced and if translation results in any rotation. Far easier than entering orbit to check
  16. Dear gods! Please post a shot of the launch vehicle for this behemoth!
  17. Hello! Welcome to the KSP Forums and Home for the Terminally Crashing! 1.) RCS = yeah it is sued for pitch/yaw/roll but can also be used for translation i.e. sideways movement. For this to work a rocket will need RCS nozzles at top and bottom though balancing them correctly can be tricky. The I, J, K, L keys provide translation perpindicular to the rocket and H, N provide thrust \'up\' and \'down\', very handy for fine control of orbits. 2.) Version 12 is the final free version, after this updates will be for the paid for version only (unless the Squad team change their minds, not that there\'s been any indication they will) 3.) Avoid hitting the ground at high speeds! Also when in doubt try a search for answers to queries, there\'s been quite a lot covered over time so an answer you seek may well be on here already Have fun!
  18. Hello! It\'s a Trap! Admiral Ackbar No, wait...
  19. Oooooh! Shiny things! *yoink!* This should make satelites waaaay more interesting Many thanks for the hard work!
  20. Tried it the maths way for my first landing - it did not end well... :\'( Second attempt went Jeb style, flying by the seat of my pants! Perfect landing 8) Just what kind of a moon are you landing on?!? And where can I get it?
  21. This is a common issue with mod parts following an improvement in how KSP handles textures. A quick search on \'red tint\' on the forums here should reveal the various solutions to it. Additional: There\'s a handy utility to do the fix for you: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=3343.0
  22. That is more Kerbal than 90% of the things on here! woah!
  23. Good news! The Aquarius Mun Lander has plenty of spare space for any hitchhikers
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