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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. My first manned landing mission using the Odysseus STS.
  2. Very nice mod. There's one small thing that is bothering me, though. The Long March rockets use hypergolic propellant, which means that they don't have a smoke trail because the propellants don't burn with the air. Here's a picture of a Proton rocket burning hypergolic propellant. Note its exhaust and lack of a smoke trail.
  3. Wow! It looks very nice, but it looks like it is very heavy too.
  4. I've used Space Shuttles for: Launching Jool Probes; Sending Crew to space stations; Launching Duna rovers; Launching Eve landers and orbiters; Launching satellite clusters; Being used as a orbital lab; And sending memorials to orbit.
  5. Oh, the random things I did in 0.18... Days before rover wheels were tough!
  6. The CoM is based off of the numbers in the part description, not its mass when physics load. The struts, fuel lines, small trusses, ladders, and the aircraft landing gear are physicless. You can test this out by sticking a landing gear on the side of a SRB (more correctly, a SRM) and launch it.
  7. The landing gear are massless.
  8. I have every paid version on my HD. Playing 0.14 right after playing 0.23 really gets you discombobulated. KSP was the best $7 I've ever spent.
  9. I've noticed that none of your planes use landing gear. Single use only?
  10. I remembered the days in 0.15 when 70% of planes I launched would fall apart when physics loaded.
  11. A 100m asteroid would weigh about ONE MILLION tons! Have fun pushing that.
  12. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be about 8 meters and weighs 500 tons.
  13. I made a pico shuttle for my STS-51-L Memorial:
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