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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. [table=width: 1000] [tr] [td]Before:[/td] [td][noparse] [/noparse][/td][/tr] [tr] [td]Now:[/td] [td][noparse] [/noparse][/td][/tr] [/table] Finally! No more quoted images.
  2. I'm definitely not going to copy that and use it on my own LK lander hehe....
  3. Do you mean this: Turboprop Or this? Propfan The Propfan is pretty much a very high bypass turbofan, except more efficient.
  4. Occasionally, I would draw diagrams before I built a ship, otherwise I plan my designs in my head (somehow, I always get great ideas just before I fall asleep).
  5. Well Nova made a mod that muffles the sound as you go up the atmosphere... Maybe that code can be used to change the particle FX (which would be the hardest part).
  6. How can the specific impluse be higher than the engines'?
  7. Engines with high specific impulse (e.g. LV-T45, Poodle) should have blue-ish and red-ish exhaust. In a vacuum, they should have a faint blue exhaust. Also, I think the Aerospike and LV-N should swap particles FX.
  8. I'm using this one right now. It costs half as much as an equivalent Intel chip and performs pretty well for its price.
  9. Quick-saving and then Quick-loading before starting a LV-N will remove its fairings.
  10. I think that it would be too heavy. I don't get why the LV-T45 has a smaller nozzle than the LV-T30. They have the same specific impluse, and T30 probably has higher thrust because of its larger turbopump assembly.
  11. I sent 6 probes to orbit today. Duna Lander and orbiter: Comm-sats: 3.5 tons in total and I still had more than 280 units of fuel and oxidizer left in the OMS tanks after circularizing the orbit. Album of the things that I sent to orbit:
  12. Today, I sent 6 probes to orbit with my space shuttle. Duna Lander and orbiter: Comm-sats:
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