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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. I was working on something non-KSP related and randomly decided to post the craft.
  2. I forgot to post the .craft that time. C'mon that was only 19 hours ago. Plus, I didn't change the plane, I just posted the download.
  3. I really wan the to 48-7S to be heavier (0.1 to 0.18 tons). This would be the trade off for its efficiency.
  4. I was actually able to build this plane without using the debug menu, albeit I did use some construction tricks. Beta Jet Fast, agile and slightly forgiving. Features: - Very fast - Looks cool - Agile - Not too responsive - Easy to fly - No debug used - Superfluous RTG - Engine out capability - Can fly with one wing - Made by me (therefore is awesome) Proof of its forgiveness: Download: http://www./download/7fvyaj27wdp7jj5/Beta_Jet.craft
  5. Reaction wheels. You can try out a prototype here: Prop thingy
  6. Back in 0.20... Too bad it doesn't work anymore. Instead of that, this: It didn't fly. ^They are all stock
  7. I too, restrict myself to one picture.
  8. I think I under use that engine.
  9. I (rather quickly) put together a plane for this, but it's too damn fast. 400m/s at 5km!
  10. It's really hard to do a proper gravity turn without FAR. If you can tip the rocket over a bit and turn SAS of, depending on how heavy the top of the rocket is, the rocket should follow the prograde. For "Pitchover Maneuvers" on the other hand, I usually do this: 1. Pitchover to 5 degrees at 8.5km 2. I keep turning slowly. When my speed exceeds 400m/s, I should be at 45 degrees. 3. 80 degrees at 900m/s 4. At this point, I usually stay at 85 degrees until I past 1700 m/s 5. I turn slightly lower than 85 degrees and wait until my Apopasis is above 75km.
  11. Yes, they are bad. Why can't we just teleport to the next habitable planet?
  12. I think Aerozine 50 makes the clear exhaust. Regular hypergolic fuel (UDMH + N2O4) has red-ish exhaust. Then again, in space, the exhaust is pretty hard to see anyways so this wouldn't really matter. Also, I believe that the more efficient engines are Methane(Kethane?)-LOX fueled except for the LV-N.
  13. Here's the .craft file if anyone's interested: http://www./download/kwxx45jz8q067t4/Propeller_Testbed_v1.craft How to run: 1. Hit space. 2. Activate SAS 3. Switch to propeller (With [ or ] ) 4. Hold Alt + Q until the roll pointer in all the way to the left. 5. Switch to the vehicle ( [ or ] ). 6. Try on to tip over!
  14. Here's the file: http://www./download/kwxx45jz8q067t4/Propeller_Testbed_v1.craft How to run: 1. Hit space. 2. Activate SAS 3. Switch to propeller (With [ or ] ) 4. Hold Alt + Q until the roll pointer in all the way to the left. 5. Switch to the vehicle ( [ or ] ). 6. Try on to tip over!
  15. It's powered by reaction wheels. My JATO attempt didn't go so well:
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