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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. Delta II family Can't stick 9 mini booster on so I stuck with 6. Delta III Delta IV
  2. Soyuz and Zenit with Kliper. The Soyuz is a little too big and the Zenit is a little too small.
  3. Not sure what to do but... Stock swivel-engine jet. Stock helicopter with intermeshing rotors that can land without input via autorotation. A little scooter for Kerbals to drive around KSC with. A stock cyclogyro that almost works. Stock walking humanoid thingy. A just a sample of my most absurd but awesome creations.
  4. Why not both? ...at the same time.
  5. Zepto Labs Pico Space Program Prefixes for small stuff. Zepto Labs is special. I coined the name about 5 years ago, for a test website I made for playing around with HTML. I thought is was unique until I discovered Zeptolab 2 years later.
  6. The VTOL designation is a bit misleading. I think you should call it the VTVL.
  7. This is my Atlas V 541 that I used to get a mini rover on Duna. The whole Atlas V 500 series: Atlas V 400 series: I know the core stage is supposed to have two nozzles, but two mk 55s are too inefficient. Plus, the Atlas V only has one engine in the first stage anyways. A full sized Atlas V 402 rocket with another iDan122's DreamChaser:
  8. The Super-Heavy Lander before it was cool. I actually built it in 0.16 looking off of Nova's 0.17 teaser pics. The structural Adapter didn't exist back then so I just used tail fins.
  9. I think there should be a new type of craft every two days or so, or maybe multiple types of crafts a week. At the current rate we wouldn't be able to get through 15 crafts until October 28!
  10. Vincentlaw discovered it in 0.16, MeticulousMitch just used landing gear bearings. Also, it is the Structural Pylons that move, the cones do not.
  11. I think a good thing to account for while building these is the TWR of the ion stage. New players probably don't have the patience to sit there for half an hour to complete a burn. Adding more fuel and as a result delta-v is not as good you think it is. More solar panels and RTGs will have drawbacks too.
  12. So, I landed on the Mun, got back to orbit, and headed for Kerbin with 0.09 units of liquid fuel left. Unfortunately, due to KSP's drag model, my ship always flips in the thick atmosphere and makes the engine point up so I can't land safely.
  13. Over-engineering to the max. Testing it with hack gravity. The probe has about 4300m/s of delta-v and features a solar panel array that, as long as the truss (where the panels are connected) is within about 40 degrees of being parallel of the sun, can power the ion engine at full throttle. As long as it is within that range, the space probe can rotate to any angle along the axis that is perpendicular to the truss. It is very easy to get to orbit and has lots of Sepratrons to ensure that the jettisoned parts fly far away from the spacecraft. Features: SRB first stage - loud and fun RCS for eaiser control Lots of Sepratrons Cool-looking solar arrays Lots of delta-v A RTG in case you get to deploy the panels and for night time Includes all four scientific instruments Easy to fly and forgiving Action groups: 1: Toggle Panels 2: Open communotron Download: http://www./download/gs6jut0ibni6nxs/Ion_Propelled_Probe.craft
  14. If you used part of the lander's fuel to get to orbit, do you count the mass in orbit?
  15. I agree. It should be like a competition where the community creates crafts and a dev or mod chooses the ones they like and are a good example for new players.
  16. I think he got the wrong person... Also, don't tag .crafts with anything other than Crafts.
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