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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. How is it completely solid if it uses liquid fuel verniers?
  2. You might want to put 8 zenits on instead of 6 (what I had). I only used 6 due to the rapidly climbing part which is not very good for my computer's health.
  3. More like 65%. Refurbishing the first stage still costs a bit due to heat damage on the engines.
  4. I don't really like the sound of the 24-77s too (I used to put warnings about how annoying they sound). I hope they change the sound soon. The Kliper's 24-77s only run for about 24 seconds, so I don't think that will be a problem. Also, the X-33 uses Aerospikes.
  5. Yes I do (I've tried Carbon) The user below me is a potato.
  6. Have you tried attaching it to a launch clamp?
  7. I did. I almost got to orbit with the main tank. The RSC orbital motors are slightly annoying, but I get that you're trying to save weight in the shuttle.
  8. I'll have to make a separate thread for that! Also which X-planes? There are X-, XF-, XB-, and XR-.
  9. It is really that hard to get there? I got there on my first try.
  10. Sensors intalled upside down happens too often these days.
  11. I uploaded my Kliper on Pico Space Program.
  12. Happy Birthday! :D

  13. Nice Energia! One thing though: the payload is supposed to be attached to the side. Like this: A Vulkan, on the other hand has a stack-mounted payload. Also, the Energia uses cryogenic propellants in its main tank.
  14. It is pretty efficient, because you're constantly killing both your vertical and horizontal velocities until you land.
  15. He inspired me to build a mini Tylo lander:
  16. Landing my lower-than-1 TWR lander was a big pain in the butt.
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