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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. 9/10 You live in the same city as I do (don't ask how I know) Your speedtest post
  2. One more aircraft today: the CESTOL (Cruise Efficient Short Take-Off and Landing) There's a passenger version too. It holds 12 Kerbals (including the pilot).
  3. Yup. See this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39481-new-motorized-hinge-system-now-with-a-cargo-spaceship sgt_flyer made a pretty good cargo bay with this trick.
  4. If I can vaguely remember, you're that guy who was obsessed with teletubbies.
  5. 0/10 Who is this "zekes" guy?!?!?
  6. Yup! _______________________ I've already started arming the SET (now the ZF-20)!
  7. Landing land hinges are too weak. The engine moves itself. This is what it looks like barebones:
  8. I can imagine mounting a pair of the swiveling engines on an aircraft to make it a VTOL without the extra bulk of the lift fan. Hmm...
  9. Logo design by segaprophet Building advanced experimental aircraft. Released Projects: Z-51 "Cobra" V/STOL Behold, Zepto Eaglework's most advanced aircraft! Powered by (PATENT PENDING) Swivel-Jet 2.0 technology, the Z-51 can switch from a mediocre VTOL to a forward-flying brick in seconds! Yes, you heard right. This stock aircraft (which is totally not meant to be an F-35B replica) has a pivoting engine! Powered by Magic™ . The older model demonstrating the Swivel-Jet: Action groups: How to fly (Read carefully!): Vertical Takeoff: Horizontal Takeoff: Transition to horizontal flight: Transition to VTOL mode: Flight Tips: Always leave the aircraft on VTOL mode when not in use. Wait until the plane has stopped before dropping the rear engine if you want to takeoff vertically after you have landed horizontally. The open-end of the cargo bay creates tremendous amounts of drag and will prevent the plane from flying faster than ~150m/s. Download: http://kerbalx.com/Giggleplex/Z-51-Cobra-VSTOL Difficultly to fly: Intermediate Status: Completed and Released Experimental Projects: SET (Swiveling Engine Testbed) Testbed for Swiveling Engines for VTOL applications. Lift Fan on and main engine swiveled down. Vertical Liftoff Lift Fan off and main engine swiveled inline. Horizontal flight Status: Testing Completed (0.20) Future Projects: These are proposed project ideas for the future. They may or may not be realized, but they are quite intriguing. New Variable swept wing fighters (Prototypes exist) Variable-Geometry Oblique Wing Aircraft (Prototypes exist) New twin-engine tilt-jet or tilt-wing. New Variable Incidence Wing Aircraft A more efficient and reliable Swivel Jet v3 Legacy Builds (Incompatible with the current version of KSP):
  10. One of my crew launch vehicles: It uses SRBs and 0.5 staging systems.
  11. Here's my Zenit 2: It can lift up to 7 tons to LKO (e.g. the Kliper).
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