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  1. Exactly. Companies think far into the future. They would rather sit on the IP for 8 years on the chance they can find a new studio down the road and potentially revive it. It's similar to why Nintendo is so aggressive stamping out piracy for old games they don't even support or offer anymore. Because maybe one day they will support them.
  2. Yeah Micro definitely scratches that itch. Customizable, slap exactly as much or as little info that you want onto the screen.
  3. I want to believe they do plan on bringing it back. They just haven't had time to balance that aspect of the game. Maybe. Could just be wishful thinking on my part.
  4. From my limited testing, it seems that no. A Kerbal cannot go on EVA, touch a probe, and extract it's science. The feature may be added in the future (it was something you could do in KSP1). But for now you should add a docking port to all probes if you plan on having them collect anything useful.
  5. So without this fix will the missions not work properly in the upscaled solar system? Is it something minor, like you need to reach a different altitudes. Or is it really game-breaking, like the target orbit appears under the planet/moon's surface?
  6. I'm hoping to try this on my next playthrough. Has anyone tried running it with cheese3660's 2.5 upscale mod? Any big issues? I was also thinking of adding Were's My Crew Capsule, but that might be too many things at once.
  7. I hope they plan on adding more of his stuff. I got all excited when the studio hired him, but so far they haven't added much of his to the game. I'm especially looking forward to those superb internal views he does.
  8. Sounds fun. I'm curious about the new missions. From what I've seen this seems to be the first mod to add new missions to KSP2. I'm guessing it's mostly to reshuffle the start so the early unmanned parts make sense. Or have they been sprinkled throughout the entire progression of the game?
  9. I think Elon stated that SpaceX's boosters (both Flacon9's and the Superheavy) could reach orbit on their own. But on the condition that they carry no payload. So, while it would be fun to try, it wouldn't serve much of a purpose.
  10. Oh I really want to try the Godwit. I do love the stock NTRs, but it really feels like All-or-Nothing. Having a middle option will be nice.
  11. It sounds neat. Did you create custom skins, or do they look like other parts for now? If it's a bay I imagine they must be based on the stock cargo bays.
  12. Have the devs commented on whether or not they will be adding a stock science archive? I find it hard to believe that it's not eventually going to be added. The missions do give a massive amount of science, so in a way we don't "need" the old-school experiments. But still, for those who don't want to do the missions (or if they get stuck on some) the experiments are pretty important.
  13. The default Kerbol system is roughly 1/10th the real solar system, if I'm not mistaken. So this makes Kerbol correspond to 1/4 the real one. So this deltaV map should fit? EDIT: Oh nevermind, it's not the Kerbol system, it's actually a quarter solar system. https://imgur.com/7BzhIan
  14. Personally I do quite like the big bullseye, because when you are at that level of zooming (and this situation with an orbit intersecting an object but not yet captured by it), this is the most important piece of information. Where am I coming in and where am I leaving? I imagine (though this is conjecture on my part) that it also helps new players to clearly show one part of the orbit comes out, one goes in. There is probably a happy middle ground. Where it can be made smaller but still clearly convey the information it needs to convey. I have to believe that the craft types are on their to-do list, and they just haven't gotten around to it. Or at least, I really hope that's the case.
  15. This only works if the spacecrafts are carrying Kerbals. For unmanned sample returns, docking is the only way
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