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Everything posted by KAO

  1. it has a rendezvous module, it has more than enough functions for you to get close to your target ship or you could just learn basic rendezvous mechanics, it's extremely easy
  2. eh, sometimes it's a blessing like how the AVK spaceworks thread was necroposted, it allowed be to discover those amazing lander tanks
  3. last post was two months ago, don't necropost
  4. it essentially their life flashing before their eyes!
  5. you can only do a direct ascent if the Mun forms a 90 degree angle with the launch site
  6. judging by this picture, can anyone tell what Jool is composed of?
  7. a Progress cargoship providing provisions for a Munar flyby
  8. I was finally able to complete orbital refueling I wanted to do since 0.16
  9. that'd kinda be a waste of code, and man hours over at Squad
  10. once I did my first rendezvous, the others were a piece of cake here's the skinny: 1. if your ship is ahead of your target ship, get a higher altitude than your target ship and circularize. Then warp so the target ship will catch up to you. 2. if your ship is behind your target ship, get a lower altitude than your target ship and circularize. Then warp so you will catch up with the target ship. use NML- and NML+ to adjust the tilt of your orbit to match the target ship. Use the RAD+ and RAD- to change the altitude of your orbit faster. once the two ships are within 100m of each other put the ships in either prograde or retrograde orientations, then right click your docking part and click "dock", do the same on the target ship. From there on use RCS to position yourself to the point where the two docking cones line up, they should start red, then turn green, then blue.
  11. been there since 0.16, people should stop making threads about this
  12. in game ship height limit is 5000m, you can try it out with R4m0ns(or however he spells it) launch tower remover plugin
  13. the Kosmos space stations pack that was released when 15.2 was out the updated pack is supposed to come any day now but they're having upload problems
  14. problems such as these only server to build up hype dammit kerbal.net, work already..
  15. I wish there were a way for the Kerbals to grab onto floating objects. I know I can stick a ladder onto everything but that would attach the kerbal to the object. Say you have a booster floating a couple meters from you, say you want to deploy a satellite, a kerbal should be able to just grasp the thing and pull or push it somewhere with the EVA pack
  16. or you can just look in your plugins folder, it isn't all that hard
  17. you know, how about we necropost in ALL the dead threads, it seems to be all the rage nowadays
  18. I think the frame rate improved personally :/ but that's just my computer I just hope the team mobilizes on docking already, Erkle has got plenty of headway on the concept but it's current stage is pretty buggy
  19. normally I'd say "don't necropost" but then I noticed how awesome these parts are
  20. you misinterpreted the question, he's really asking "how many volumes of the planet Kerbin would equate to the volume of the planet Jool" now I guess hard more would be to find the circumference of Jool all on your own by flying there yourself, noting down apoapsis and periapsis, your velocity, and time from apoapsis to periapsis then doing the same with Kerbin
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