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Everything posted by Dizzle

  1. Update: It is DEFINITELY something to do with KSPRC's Texture Replacer folder. I ran it again with no mods except for EVE (KSPRC's BoulderCo folder) and KSPRC's Texture Replacer. Still had the issue. Removing the Texture Replacer folder from that install fixed the issue, at the cost of the non-planet textures, of course. Going to keep trying. EDIT I have discovered the complicated and highly technical reason for the issue: my failure to read. As it turns out, ONLY the Default folder from KSPRC's Texture Replacer is meant to overwrite the original. I was NOT supposed to overwrite the entire Texture Replacer folder.
  2. In attempting to follow the instructions in a reddit thread (which I will link below), I deleted the BoulderCo folder from my previous EVE install, and replaced it with the one from KSPRC. I also pasted in KSPRC's Texture Replacer folder, which did not replace or overwrite anything. These are the only two folders I added from KSPRC, and are the only changes I've made since the game last worked. Upon launching the game, the mod install itself seems to have worked, as the textures have been applied to the Kerbonauts, skybox, and Kerbin itself. However, upon entering the Space Center and trying to click a building, nothing happens. The ability to highlight a building disappears after the first attempt to open one. I can hit escape to bring up the quick-menu, and those buttons can be pressed, but I cannot exit to the main menu. Once I reach KSC scene, the game seems to lose the ability to change scenes. I've had a similar bug before when I was very close to the RAM limit, but according to the Task Manager, that is not the case here. Thanks in advance for any help. Full list of mods: -Asteroid Day -EVE -KSPRC's BoulderCo folder -KER -Hyperedit -KJR -PlanetShine -KSPRC's Texture Replacer folder -KAC Reddit thread I was taking instructions from: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/37nedh/installing_mods_to_make_ksp_look_nicer_step_by/ -
  3. Dizzle

    Apollo 18

    I really liked it, and I think space has a lot of untapped potential for horror movies. It has one of the creepiest things I've ever seen in a movie - walking around a landing site, and realizing there are footprints that aren't yours.
  4. I doubt many people bought it at launch. Most people wouldn't even be close to eligible for a refund.
  5. Nice artwork, and very cute!
  6. Just saw it, and thought it was great. I was disappointed by the overuse of CGI, but they did still manage to achieve an overwhelming sense of scale that you don't really get in the previous movies. I honestly would have a hard time listing all the things I liked about it, so instead I'll just point out something interesting I noticed about the effects. I've often heard it said that if a movie uses CG sparingly enough, you won't even notice it when it is used. Here, it's kind of the opposite. It leans so heavily on CG that there were many times where I assumed an effect was CG, only to later find out it was practical. I'll say it again: They used so much CG that I couldn't tell that some objects were actually there. Edit: Nah, I'm totally gonna try to list all the things I liked about it. 1. Its sense of self-awareness. It seems to address all the criticisms people had from the trailer and of the concept in general. There's a scene where Dr. Wu explains why some of the dinosaurs aren't scientifically accurate (that is, they're deliberately meant to cater to expectations), and maybe it's just me, but I felt like this was also addressing the CG look. Especially the line, "None of this is natural." 2. Chris Pratt's character's "control" of the raptors. People thought it would lead to them being less scary, but if anything, it was the opposite. This movie goes out of its way to show how barely in control he is, and that they'll never really be tamed. 3. The military guy that wants to weaponize the raptors. Firstly, because he gives us an awesome shot of what I can only describe as spec-ops velociraptors. Secondly, because of his hilarious failure to learn from his mistakes that seems over the top even for THIS series. Maybe he's a scout for an early Weyland-Yutani? 4. The abandoned old park. As a fan of urban exploring and nostalgia, this was incredible. 5. The sense of wonder, though not as pronounced as in the original, is still mostly intact. 6. The action scenes are pretty much the most awesome thing I've ever seen and screw any paleontologist that tries to tell me otherwise.
  7. Granted I only read the first two pages, so the discussion may have changed, but back there it didn't look like it. But will it? If I understand correctly, Squad aren't doing the port, so I'm not sure the level of involvement they'll have with it.
  8. Since everyone is already playing on PC just fine, it seems like any outrage over this decision just boils down to PC elitism. Of course, like everyone, I'm skeptical of the editor controls, and this will certainly be a test of whether it can stand on its own without mods. Skepticism of how well it will work is fine, but since it won't affect the PC version, it's the outrage that just seems silly to me.
  9. Saw this on an urbex forum and had to make sure it was here. This is seriously cool stuff.
  10. plane crashes, pilot crawls out Don't worry guys, I'm ok! ground crew stares in horror What?
  11. New aerodynamics. Consequences will never be the same.
  12. Reliably getting to Joolian moons. The game seems to consider Jool the next step after Duna, but I always just fling probes at it and see where they end up.
  13. Edit: nvm cant read lel What's the point? There's nothing in older versions that isn't better in 1.0.2.
  14. Yes. The R&D team has determined that you should grab the railing for greater stability.
  15. Solved! Running CheckDisk found and repaired and/or deleted numerous bad sectors, including the one in the KSP folder. I'll update this post in a bit with more info in case this shows up in a Google search.
  16. I'm going to start this by saying I have no idea if this is actually a KSP related bug, but whatever the problem is, it originates in the KSP folder. Last night, I attempted to load up the game, but it failed to do so, instead displaying a blank load bar when the game launched. I attempted to validate game files, which caused severe computer lag until Steam was forcibly closed. Afterwards, any time Steam tried to access KSP in any way (validating files, launching, attempted uninstall), the whole system would lag until steam was force-closed. Since Steam wants to update any time it starts, even with the action paused, there will be at least some lag. I ended up trying to delete the game manually, but found that the lag returned when attempting to delete it manually as well, requiring a force-closing of Windows Explorer. At this point I'll mention that the task manager shows no difference in CPU or RAM usage while this lag is occurring. I started deleting bits and pieces of KSP, until only Gamedata > Squad remained, so I don't think this could have resulted from a mod, since they should all be uninstalled at this point. Attempting to access the Squad folder causes the lag to start again, requiring a force-quit of Explorer. That's as close as I can get before the whole thing totally locks up. However, I believe whatever the problem is may originate in the Agencies folder, as it's the only subfolder to have been modified today. I'd really appreciate some help with this. Edit: Right-clicking the remaining folder and selecting Properties causes explorer to freeze, but shows that it has a filesize of 0 bytes. Edit Edit: Solution for Googlers. 1: Click the windows button. 2: Select My Computer 3: Right click the drive on which the problems are located. 4: Select Properties, and click the Tools tab. 5: Under the option that says error-checking, click Check Now. 6: The box that says "Automatically fix file system errors should already be checked. If it's not, check it. Leave the other box unchecked. 7: Click start, and it will tell you that it can't check because the drive is in use. Agree to schedule a check, and restart your computer. It will automatically start the process during startup. Once it starts finding the bad sectors, progress will become much slower. It should look something like this: Do not shut off your computer, or you may risk data loss. In my case, there were 20 bad sectors, and the whole process took about half an hour. I can't stress enough that while it may seem to have stopped working, just give it time. If you like, keep an eye out for any files you recognize. You may find that there were bad sectors in places you didn't expect. For example, below you see an error called "Partlist", which is most likely the KSP location that this thread was made for. However, I also recognize "pcsx2", a Playstation 2 emulator. Had I attempted to use that program, I probably would have experienced the same lag that accessing KSP caused. After CheckDisk finishes, your computer will automatically restart. You should now be lag-free, as I was, but be warned. All of this is likely a sign of a failing drive, so I'd recommend backing up your files elsewhere now. Actually, do that anyway. My drive may last another day or 5 years, but I always recommend getting an external drive to keep things backed up on. External drives are like, so, so great you guys. Hope this helped.
  17. Love it. After just finishing a big project, I was really starting to despise the stock camera, so this came at just the right time. I too would like a similar camera for in-flight use.
  18. This. I hate the early game, but I also feel weird playing sandbox and jumping straight to interplanetary when there's no actual history in the program.
  19. 299 on Steam, but I only moved there around .23.5. I've been playing since March of 2012, so who knows what the real number is.
  20. I've said it before, but I wish they could EVA when their craft is landed.
  21. Although missions certainly can take that long, transferring when KAC recommends usually only takes about 120 days.
  22. I had a station in orbit of Ike whose crew I wanted to return. I was going to send a pickup mission, but y'know, it seemed there was still a fair amount of fuel left... I bet the folks at KSC were surprised when it whizzed by 35km overhead.
  23. My headcannon in my 1.0 career has been that Jeb sees Valentina as a rival, being jealous of the things she achieved before him. She was oblivious to this bitterness, and by now, Jeb has gotten over it and they're friends. It's amazing how much you can characterize while playing characters that don't talk, but Thomas Was Alone has proven that it's not as hard as it sounds.
  24. I don't know if this is the right place to post this, or if the Firespitter mod is actually at fault, but I found this bug to be pretty amusing.
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