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Everything posted by Dizzle

  1. Wanted everyone to be there for the first launch, so I sent up a barely-functional rocket using the Mk.3 pod. I'll work out how to get them down later.
  2. That fist bump and expression of "we got this!" I love the trailer.
  3. I want my time in this thread to be logged as game hours on Steam.
  4. About 10% of my all-time posts are in this thread. I regret nothing.
  5. Can't. We consumed the internet about 150 pages back.
  6. To SQUAD it smells like melting metal and plastic.
  7. Food not necessary. Need hype to live.
  8. We've said the same about every milestone so far.
  9. 50k views since I started paying attention to view count.
  10. No problem. It appears to be spontaneously generating in the back.
  11. Is it possible to DDOS the 502 page?
  12. Sometimes, I can't think of a hype pun. It doesn't stop me from posting though.
  13. Anyone worried we'll break the forums is a hypeochondriac.
  14. In the beginning, there was nothing Then, Kod made HYPE And he rested, for he was content
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