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Everything posted by Dizzle

  1. I was just standin' here And Harvester won't put 1.0 up for download Ask myself why won't Harvester just put 1.0 up for download Ain't nobody have no answers... AND SO I PULL OUT MY GUN
  2. Not allowing all caps is the real crime.
  3. For reference, the 0.90 Hype Train only reached 111 pages.
  4. I clicked the Last Page button and when it loaded there were two more pages.
  5. This reminds me of another event from recent memory...
  6. I remember waiting up for 0.16. I can't believe how much has changed since then. I also can't believe it's been almost 3 years.
  7. Nope, it's tomorrow. Come back yesterday to download the update.
  8. This sounds more like a feature than an easter egg. Not that I'm complaining.
  9. *EVERY RELEASE* 11:59 - Oh boy, I can't wait! 12:00 - The download will start any second now... 12:01 - SQUAD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT US WORSE THAN EA MICROTRANSACTIONS CONFIRMED RAAARGHHH 1:35 - Release
  10. Squad - the marketing company that has no idea how to communicate information to people.
  11. Right away, but if the stock dV readout isn't good enough I'll have to wait for KER to start playing seriously. KAC is also a must-have for any interplanetary missions.
  12. My first "landing". Remember when construction looked like this?
  13. I'll always remember that vicious bug where I could only use 3.5GB of RAM.
  14. Like a lot of people, I was really annoyed for a long time that I couldn't make an SSTO. Eventually I did manage to make a few that worked, did some missions with them, and haven't used them since. In the end, as cool as they are, there's nothing they can do that isn't much easier with rockets.
  15. Having experience with this, I'd go with what's been said: FRAPS for recording, Sony Vegas for editing. If you intend to speak, make sure you adjust the audio levels accordingly, so that your voice isn't drowned out by the games. Alternatively, record your voice separately in a program like Audacity and sync it with the video track in editing, which is probably the best option.
  16. This is why I prefer SC4's system of city buildings working in a certain radius. I understand C:S's decision to use the system it does, considering the more complicated traffic system, but it can be seriously wonky at times.
  17. I hadn't thought of launching with low fuel and mining the rest. That's a really good idea.
  18. I don't think it'll be as OP as people think. In order to mine an asteroid, you have to: 1. Have mining and processing equipment on board. 2. Rendezvous with the asteroid. And remember, you can only carry as much fuel as you have room on board for, so it's not like you'll be getting more fuel than you had before unless you take it with you. Given the huge amounts of dV it takes to rendezvous, most of the time it would be better to just do the original maneuver. It might be a good option for very large craft to use as an external fuel tank, but it's not exactly a "one stop gas station."
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