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Everything posted by Dizzle

  1. Let's strike back against these puny forums and reach page 502
  2. Sometime hype, but not always. Today, hype.
  3. Oh dear kod if we actually break the servers so hard we delay the update...
  4. There's hype, and then there's HYPE
  5. 404 is 502 is 404 is 502 is 404 is 502 is 404 is 502 is 404 is 502
  6. This is pretty much a religious experience for me.
  7. I read that as "My mustache is typing."
  8. They say if you listen closely, you can hear the servers screaming.
  9. I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride!
  10. I bet they're delaying the update by a minute every time we post. My suggestion is to post so much that time loops in on itself and the update comes out yesterday.
  11. There's a wall of text a few pages back. I know because it's also the current page.
  12. I looked out the window and saw both tomorrow and yesterday occupying the same space. The hype train is no longer confined to our dimension.
  13. Do you know how fast the Hype Train is travelling? That's how long it takes for signals from Earth to reach us.
  14. I'm posting again. Posting because of the hype.
  15. I was just standin' here And Harvester won't put 1.0 up for download Ask myself why won't Harvester just put 1.0 up for download Ain't nobody have no answers... AND SO I PULL OUT MY GUN
  16. Not allowing all caps is the real crime.
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