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Everything posted by Nauthy

  1. I figure we can probably stick with the current limits, 40 for the ground base and 60 for the station. We could even go up to 50 for the base, if everyone's cool with it. It might not be a bad idea to have all the ground modules on wheels, just in case. We can move things around this way and set up two bases, if we run into huge framerate issues after a while. Another idea we could think about would be to have two limits per base. So, we could do, say, 30 and 50 for the ground base and maybe 50/70 for the station? If you stick to the lower limit, you'd then be allowed to set up another module (again with the lower limit) for whichever base you haven't added to yet. Or alternatively just do one module using the higher limit. Should give everyone more to do! Still, people might run into fps issues, so it might not be doable unless we tweak some of the details.
  2. Hehe, that's a pretty awesome trailer. I was planning on changing up the opening post anyways to reflect the recent changes, so I'll make sure to throw that in. I also spoke to Goose last night and we should have his stuff up soon. And if not, Ima kick his ass I assumed everyone who's been around the thread recently is interested in the Duna build. I'll put together a list and we can add more peeps as needed, including anyone who might be interested from Cake's list. And yes, still haven't contacted any of them, I blame... well, I don't have a great excuse
  3. My internet's been on and off lately, so I haven't even had a chance to contact Goose again. I had my connection upgraded yesterday, though (yay, good speeds!), so I'll get back to being more active in the project. And yeah, we might as well get working on the new things. I've got my module in the works right now, but I'll have to remake it for the new update. It will probably be ready within a few days, sooner if I don't get stuck working late this weekend. And speaking of spaceplanes, that gives me a fine idea for the probe I was gonna send down to the surface. A simple lander is just boring! I'll also try out the MP mod to see if I can get a server running, I'll let ya guys know.
  4. I'll have to mess around with the MP mod when my new connection gets hooked up. I'd be fine with hosting it if at all possible. We'd probably have to start a fresh save for it, though. Still, it definitely sounds like fun if we can get it working. It might be better to keep the Duna station in a higher orbit while we're building it, so we have that extra room for aerocapture. We can always change up its orbit if one of the modules has some sort of propulsion. Or even with some RCS. Maybe 100km while it's being built. A small fuel depot in a lower orbit might be useful, just in case. I like hearing about asteroids being flingable We could definitely set up one central base, for "science", and then use others for some fun. I'm imagining asteroids as beach balls, heh. Also, that's no good about incompatible saves, though it's something we should always expect. We might be able to do some magic with editing the persistence file, but otherwise we might need to have two separate files. Or start the project fresh, but that's got its own set of problems... By the way, in that image, are all those new parts for the update? 'Cause daaamn, I need to check out more about that.
  5. Yes to asteroid fun times, of course! I haven't really been keeping up with the asteroid update, though, so hopefully it won't be too difficult to set up a base on one. Maybe we can do a few of 'em? It'd be fun to set up some competitions between different asteroid bases. And I'm sure a war will break out at some point, as well I don't mind setting up the first module, we can have Cake go up second then. I'll probably build the station core and the beacon probe for the ground base. And good point about the issues with my proposed orbit. Silly Ike, getting in the way (at least it's not like the mess around Jool). It'd definitely make a ton more sense to have it in a low Duna orbit, 50km or so? I also spoke to Goose a couple of days ago. He's been busy with real world stuff, but he's still working on his modules. If anyone wants to grab the save and do anything in the meantime, go ahead! I'll bug Goose again when he comes online (we chat on Steam). And as of next week, I'll have all my internet issues finally sorted! I've mentioned it before, but I'd like to start streaming some KSP (among other things). Has anyone here had any experience with the multiplayer mod? It might be fun to do builds and missions for the KCBP together.
  6. Mmm, that's a nice load, Cake (insert bad joke here). It would probably make sense to have your module be one of the first out there, then. Perhaps we could send along a small probe with it, which can then drop to the surface and act as a beacon. And that's a good point about the parachutes. I usually place a few on the skycrane's payload, as well, but that's not really necessary. It's just comforting to have an extra layer, in case the skycrane fails partway. Here at the KCBP, though, we must sacrifice safety for awesome, slimmed down modules! Spyrit's post brings up a good question. What orbit should we think about for the station? Stationary orbit might be interesting, just have it a fair distance away from Ike. Check this out, from the wiki (on Ike): "since Ike and Duna are tidally locked to each other, a spacecraft in stationary orbit around Duna will see Ike in a near stable, non-rotating position, as if it were in a stationary Ike orbit." I also wanted to run another idea by you guys. Since things are progressing slowly, to say the least, I was thinking about making the whole KCBP a bit less structured. We'll still have the same rules in place, but we can have major and minor projects. The major ones will be things like any station/ground base combo (Minmus, Duna, etc.), which will follow the old format. Minor projects can be individual builds, though! Similar to Goose's Mun outpost, I think it'd be neat to see other small bases and stations. Nothing too big from any one person, just something creative and possibly useful. And the best part is that we don't need a build order or anything. Just grab the latest persistance and have at it! Let everybody know you're working on something, though, so we don't need to worry about combining files. No need to tell us what you're building, if you want to keep it a secret
  7. The fuel situation's definitely something which might be an issue. It might be a good idea to make use of the fuel depot in Kerbin's orbit before sending anything interplanetary. In fact, before we send any modules out, I will probably take Spyrit's recommendation and set up a small fuel depot in Duna's orbit. Won't need much, especially if most people are able to aero-capture well enough. I also wanted to bring up my previous idea for discussion, to have a very basic "mothership" type design which can bring along several modules to Duna. And I'm talking super basic. To save on mass it could just be a series of girders with a few docking ports and an engine cluster. It would have space for, say, 4 modules? It should save on time, but it might complicate the interplanetary travel side of things. Another option would be to launch a few modules in the same window and then return to them when they get to Duna. It'd be necessary to be very careful with the persistence if we do it this way, since a bit of timewarp and saving at a bad time would be bad news. Of course, there's always the option to just launch modules whenever, warp out there, then finish the mission in one sitting. As for the landing site, I like Cake's suggestion. Anywhere along the equator would be good just to give people something easy to aim for. Once the first module makes it down there, it should be much easier for whoever follows up. Just remember to pack lots of chutes! On that note, if people want to use skycranes, that's totally cool. In fact, a skycrane might be better than tons of parachutes, since those will count as parts. With the skycrane, you can simply detach your module and let the rest of it fly off and explode. I'll likely go through the persistence afterwards and clear out any debris that's within rendering distance of the base.
  8. They were active at first and it seemed like we were good for Minmus build, but I guess life got in the way because they haven't been around since. Granted, I haven't PMed them recently to ask what's up, but I feel like that shouldn't be necessary. I'm willing to message people a few times when it's their turn, which I did for them and received positive responses. Chances are that if they haven't posted here in a while, it's probably because they've been busy and/or lost interest in the project/KSP. I'd like it if people that are in the project are also active in the discussion here (I know I personally haven't been too good at that lately ), since it ensures that things we talk about actually show up in the builds. It also makes the whole thing more of a team effort, rather than a bunch of random stuff being thrown together. And it means I don't have to constantly PM people asking about their progress, it really does feel like I'm being annoying, heh. In other news, my internet has been spotty at the best of times over the past couple of weeks, so apologies for my disappearance. My damn router is so old and crappy that it just dies at random every 20 minutes or so. Rebooting it fixes it...for the next 20 minutes. So yeah, it's been a bit frustrating. I'll be upgrading my connection soon, though, and this leads to my next thought. I'll be doing some livestreaming once I have everything set up, and I think it'd be pretty cool if we could do live KCBP stuff. I know leax also streams and I'm willing to bet others do/are able to. We'd be able to do building, launching, much discussion, etc. It's something to supplement the thread here, just an idea. Anyways, Goose should be just about done with this modules, at which point we can move on to Duna. I still have yet to get in touch with the people on that list (fail) but I will do so in the next few days. And of course, if anyone still wants to do anything for the Minmus build, go ahead! The station is probably good for now, but that ground base could always use more improvement. EDIT: I realize the first couple of paragraphs in this post kinda make me look like a jerk. I simply want more people than just the handful of us to be active in both building and discussion, not just the former. More activity means faster builds! (hopefully)
  9. I really like that idea. Have sort of like a storage depot with any extra parts or modules we might need. So yea, that's totally cool! And I believe you're correct, those are the people that haven't uploaded anything yet. Goose is working on his right now (he'll be doing two modules, one for the station and another for the ground base), but I haven't heard from Holo or TheCanadian in a while. Also, welcome to Heretic and Nemrav! Like Cake mentioned, all the rules we've set out so far are in the opening post. Any suggestions for changes are always welcome, but we should be good for now. And if you guys know others that might be interested in this, please invite them! It's less awkward than getting a private message from me, just out of the blue, hehe. And Nemrav, if you'd like to contribute something to the Minmus station/base, you're more than welcome to! I believe the ground base still needs some work, though it's certainly been getting better. I'm not sure what Goose is building for it, so maybe you want to wait until he uploads his persistence? Though it wouldn't be a huge deal if we get duplicate modules, since they'd likely look very different.
  10. Sounds good, Cake! I'll keep that in mind when I work out the build order for the next phase. And my guess is...some sort of a modular tug boat system! And if not, then I might end up doing something like that, hehe.
  11. I'm sorry, I haven't had a chance to contact any of the peeps that Cake mentioned. I'll get on that right away. Speaking of which... Cake, I'll take you up on that offer of help if it's still there if there's anyone you've interacted with before it may be less awkward if you get in touch with them. I've also spoken to Goose and he's currently working on a couple of modules, one for the station and the other for the ground base. His video should go up this week. As for where to next, if we don't want to bother withh the mun, I would probably say a station around eve or duna might be doable.
  12. The thing with the build order is that it keeps the whole process somewhat organized. I don't mind switching people around in the order if they have their module ready, but without it I think it'd just get messy. With a smaller group we'd be able to do away with the build order, since we can figure out exactly who's building what in a relatively short amount of time. This way we'd have everyone building modules that complement each other, rather than a bunch of useless and/or similar ones. With a bigger group, though, I feel like it's necessary to maintain some order. Can you imagine if we had all the people involved upload everything within, say, a week of the project phase starting? Awesome time saver, but it'd be chaos trying to fit everything together. Still, I'm open to ideas! This was just the simplest option when I was first planning things out.
  13. Hehe, nice module, Cake. I love the little patio thing on top, I'm definitely gonna have to try docking with that port so Nauthy Kerman can join you at the table Also, thank you for all the recommended people to contact! I'll send out some PMs on Sunday when I have the day off. I'll let ya know if I need any help. And yea, I completely agree that the min. 100 sub thing isn't really a good way to judge someone's dedication. It's such an arbitrary number. I just felt that the restriction would ensure that we get people who have been active on YouTube for a little while, and so they've gotten the hang of making good content (audio/video quality, commentary, etc.) You're right, though, it would be kind of hypocritical to set that standard when a bunch of the people already involved are under 100 subs. Especially since most of the submissions have been pretty cool. So, forget I said anything then
  14. Don't worry too much, Spyrit, the project has been slowing down because a lot of the people involved have lost interest. I would very much like to keep it going, but I'm also worried that the next stage is never going to be completed at this rate. So here's my plan: I will talk to Goose about getting a module up for the station and hopefully another for the ground base on Minmus. In the meantime, I would also like to contact some other KSP youtubers about possibly jumping onto the project. Any suggestions as to who might be willing to join up? I'm assuming the guys with big channels will say no, but I'd like to get some more exposure for the KCBP, so preferably we can involve people with a fair amount of subs. If you are subscribed to anyone you think might be interested, let me know and I'll get in touch with 'em. On that note, I will be changing the requirements for joining us, so that you should have at minimum 100 subs (those currently in the project will always be welcome). This will hopefully ensure that we have people who are pretty active. Additionally, I believe it will be better for the project if we have a smaller group, since it means we'll be more organized, have less downtime and more interesting/larger builds. So when we begin the next stage, I won't be PMing everyone that's been involved previously, as I did before. Instead we'll wait and see who's been keeping up with the project and is actually willing to participate. These are some pretty big changes and some might not agree with them, but I believe it's going to turn out better this way. Still, I want everybody to have a say, so let me know what you guys think and we'll go from there
  15. Bah, massive fail on my part, thought I'd posted a couple of days ago in reply to Cake's proposal, but turns out I didn't. Ugh. Never trying to post off my phone again. Aaanyways... Sorry to hear that, Cake If you're still down to make that sweet ass camper when you have time, we'd be very interested to see what you can come up with in the part limit! Since we will probably still need a few more modules down there, I'll ask Goose to work on something for it alongside his addition to the station. I will also be building something of a recreation facility. And of course, if anyone else has ideas for the ground base, you're more than welcome to build a module. Just be wary of anything the station folk build, it might be a secret weapon for the upcoming station wars!
  16. Yeah Cake, for sure! We certainly need more things down there, it's kinda of a sad lookin' tiny base, heh. We could probably use some sort of a habitation module, maybe some power generation. If you have any ideas let us know here, but basically anything goes.
  17. Go ahead when you get a chance, Spyrit I'll probably be adding a module or two to the ground base as well after you, if no one else is interested. Holo, were you able to get the recording software working?
  18. There was a bit of a lull there in videos over the holidays, but we're back! Here we have leax's submission to the Minmus station:
  19. You could try Camtasia or HyperCam, I've heard ok things about 'em. Not totally sure, though, I've been using fraps for ages. And good stuff, leax! Gonna add the video to all the appropriate places (playlist, op post, etc.)
  20. Haven't heard back from Holo yet, I PMed him a couple of days ago. I'll wait another day or so before I ask Goose to work on his module. Spyrit, if you want to get started on that lab, you're more than welcome to We can get it out there as soon as possible
  21. Cool, dude, great job! Looking forward to the video That interplanetary transport looks pretty sturdy, Cake, I will probably steal some ideas from it. I'll have a bit of time this weekend to work on something, I'll let you guys know what I come up with. Holo, if you're around to read this, you're up next on the project! If not, I'll send him a PM tomorrow and we'll go from there. On that note, who's interested in setting up another module for the Minmus bases? You're not restricted to whatever station you were on initially, but all the other rules still apply. I want to get a few more pieces in place before we move on. As it is right now, there's only a couple of people left. The orbital station is probably doing alright, but the ground base is definitely still too empty. Lemme know!
  22. Like dharak said, a mother ship is a tough nut to crack, since so much relies on all the different parts working well together. Still, if Cake has a solution, I'd definitely be interested in seeing where we can take this. What were you thinking of doing? Even if it doesn't work out, we can use ideas from it for an interplanetary transport. Initially I was thinking of doing several trips from Kerbin, not just one with a massive transport, which would cut down on the waiting time and also keep it fairly simple.
  23. Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days, haven't been home much again. I'm lurking on my phone whenever I get a chance, though, so I've been keeping up. Sorry to hear about your troubles, my Canadian friend. You're welcome to contribute to the build later on, if you're still interested. I'm thinking of maybe allowing another module for whoever wants it. I feel like the Minmus bases are too small as they are right now, and with some people dropping out we won't have much set up. At least this way we can still add to the bases, though we'll still need to be careful about the parts count.
  24. I like the idea of docking everything to a larger ship. We can even have multiple trips this way, since it'll be way fewer than if we were sending the modules out individually. I can work out a simple "mothership" design for when we get to that point. TheCanadianVendingMachine is up right now. I PMed him a couple of days ago, he said the module should be ready by the end of the week.
  25. Great video! Looks like you put some hard work into it, it shows Keep it up! I see what you did there Hopefully things will start progressing a little faster now that the holiday craziness is over. I may have to think of a different way of doing the build order next time, so we have less waiting to do between videos. As for going somewhere other than the Mun next, that's fine by me. The Mun is boring anyways, heh. Once we go interplanetary, though, we need to work out a system of sending several modules out at once. Just to make things simpler.
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