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Everything posted by razark

  1. That's just absurd. Obviously, the Saturn V went into solar orbit. They had to launch the Saturn V, otherwise people would question why there were astronauts on the moon that were coming to earth. Astronauts suddenly showing up without a big launch would have just caused too many questions.
  2. Nope. It never happened. It was all fake. Well, not all of it. The pictures are real. So are the astronauts. And parts of the spacecraft. But they never went to the moon.
  3. Don't be. This thread's been off the rails for a long time.
  4. Pink Floyd- Shine On You Crazy Diamond
  5. And the only one to have taken the LM down towards the moon twice.
  6. Unless we are Squad staff reporting that the threads have been retrieved or have been found irretrievable, we really don't have anything to say about it at all.
  7. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/16/us/eugene-cernan-dies/index.html Edit: https://www.nasa.gov/astronautprofiles/cernan
  8. First docking doesn't count that much. It's demonstrating that you can do it repeatedly and reliably that makes docking worthwhile. (But that first docking is a good first step. Congrats!)
  9. I'll just point out that I never said anyone was wrong for watching football. I've merely expressed that I don't, and further that I don't understand why someone would like it. I'll be the first to admit that many people wonder why I do what I do.
  10. Nah, I watch the movie to see a scripted set of actions that tells a story. If I felt the need to kill someone, watching a movie would not be the way to go about getting it done. But what does this have to do with the utter boredom I feel when watching other people play a game? It's just as boring as watching people play a video game.
  11. True. But if I'm not hungry, I don't get anything out of watching a starving person eat a meal.
  12. Honestly, I never got the point of watching sports. If you like sports, go play them.
  13. Item 2 has "you have not completed the career at least once" as an option. Item 3 assumes that the respondent has completed the career at least once, and is a required field. This is a faulty poll that will lead to people either unable to complete it or giving incorrect information. I get the idea behind adding a story to KSP, but I for one like to have control over it. I am writing my own story. Of course, most of the games I play are simulators or things like the Civilization series that lack a defined story. The story comes out of the events that occur, not from some outside structure imposed on it by a writer. In addition, I'd hate to see any further chance for Squad to impose the junkyard aesthetic on the game. I'm really sick of the "Kerbals are stupid creatures that make spaceships out of garbage and other crap" thing. It was funny once. It quickly wore thin. (Everything discussing "pole" vs. "poll" is discussing the subject of the thread.)
  14. You can't. We have satellites that track some of them and other means to locate them. Hell, some of them are findable using google maps... (Or is that fake?) Of course not. That's the entire point of submarines, though, isn't it? (You do believe those exist, right?) Yes. Spread out over decades, multiple countries, and we know they exist. The cost and expanse of a manned Saturn mission would far outstrip those expenditures, though. Not exactly something you can bury in the budget as "pencils" or "coffee cups" and not have some questions asked. They're not secret. We know about them. We watch them. We keep track of who has what where and when. All of them? No. Can I pull up a map and point to quite a few of them? Yes. And there's an entire group of people that get paid to do things like locate and know about military bases around the world. Do you know the location of every dog in the world? Do dogs therefore not exist? Again: How the flipping hell do you hide a multi-decade space program requiring multiple launches, millions of people, trillions of dollars, and who knows what else, when you can't even hide emissions test fakery and banking papers?
  15. Are you literally insane?
  16. The CIA, FBI, and NSA are rather well-known. Some of their activities are rather less well known, but the last few years have shown that even those can be hard to cover up. But somebody is going to notice if we stick them in a damn big rocket and shoot them to Saturn! None of the things you talk about is as large, encompassing, expensive, personnel intensive, or noticeable as a mission to the outer solar system.
  17. Heard of, yes. Know a lot about, no. Seriously? How the flipping hell do you hide a multi-decade space program requiring multiple launches, millions of people, trillions of dollars, and who knows what else, when you can't even hide emissions test fakery and banking papers?
  18. Well, NASA does release footage of things they do, and tend to be pretty clear when they're showing artists' representation. But why look at the video in the first place? There's no way something like a mission to Saturn could be kept secret for this long.
  19. It's most likely true. It's highly probable that the Russians managed to launch an entire mission to the outer solar system, and we're only hearing about it five months later on a youtube video.
  20. As I said just minutes ago, I recently tried this out. In a layout, I switched from "<Crew>" to "<Pilots> <Engineers> <Scientists> <Tourists>". I noticed that this causes a "None" to be listed if there are no crew of the specified type aboard. Is there any way to suppress this, so that it will remain blank if there is not a crewmember of a certain type aboard? For example, instead of listing "Jeb None None None", it would simply list "Jeb"?
  21. I just tried it out within the past couple of days and saw the same thing. I exited out of KSP and restarted, and the options appeared. I think it was missing the config file when I first ran it, which it created before the second run. Try running KSP again and see if it works. If not, check to see if you have a file called Historian.cfg in your KSP_install_directory\GameData\KSEA\Historian\Plugins\Plugindata directory. If not, create the needed directory and file, and paste the following into it: KSEA_HISTORIAN_CONFIGURATION { Version = 1.1.2 Layout = Default EnableLauncherButton = True EnableToolbarButton = True AutoHideUI = True CustomText = PersistentCustomText = False PersistentConfigurationWindow = False DefaultSpaceCenterName = TimeToRememberLastAction = 2000 KerbinDayNames = Akant;Brant;Casant;Dovant;Esant;Flant KerbinMonthNames = Unnam;Dosnam;Trenam;Cuatnam;Cinqnam;Seinam;Sietnam;Ocnam;Nuevnam;Diznam;Oncnam;Docenam RightClickAction = Suppress } Edit: Yeah, I just tested it out. Removing the Historian.cfg file caused the options window to revert to the blank you described. The program had created a new version of it when I exited.
  22. Because that would interfere with RCS placement and symmetry of lower stages.
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