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Everything posted by razark

  1. I see a way for everyone to get the ranks they want. How about a config file that holds a list of ranks that can be edited by the user? Even better, I'd like to have a list that includes multiple rank tracks, and a filename to be displayed for that rank (and maybe a branch insignia for each rank track). That way, we could edit the ranks to our liking and display whatever rank insignia we want.
  2. In the original series, gold was Command, blue was Sciences/Medical, and red was Operations, which included Engineering and Security. The reason redshirts got such a bad deal was that the Security department provided defense during landing parties, and took the brunt of enemy opposition. Also, there were no major characters in Security, so they could introduce a guy and kill him off easily.
  3. Especially if they read these threads and realize where the engineers designing the vehicles got their inspiration.
  4. V-2. The V-1 was a cruise missile, the V-2 was a ballistic rocket.
  5. Yes, if what I call it doesn't match what someone else calls it, there is potential for miscommunication.
  6. Nothing. If I have all the dollars, and everyone else has no dollars, they have ceased to be a useful means of exchanging value and would become worthless, replaced by some other measure of exchange.
  7. I'm old enough to know better, but immature enough to not care.
  8. Never got to see one launch. My family was scheduled to go once, but the ET was hit by hail, so it got delayed. Never had another chance. My father got to go for a few of them before he retired. Closest I've seen was a satellite launch from the beach, and I did get to see the stack getting rolled out of the VAB once.
  9. Yes, the original threads should never have been merged.
  10. See: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82842-Exactly-how-bad-is-the-aerodynamic-model-in-KSP?p=1211253&viewfull=1#post1211253 My view on this is that I paid for an unfinished product, with the full understanding that Squad has the right to take my money, walk away, and never even give this thing a second thought. I also understand that some parts will be updated at different times, that Squad can only do so much at one time, that some updates may not be clear just from looking at it, that customers don't always understand the difference between a minor and a major change, and that as a system becomes more complex, adding to it becomes more complex as well. I'm happy to have what I have now. The amount I paid for the game is rather small, and compared to the hours I've gotten out of it, I have absolutely nothing to complain about. There are things that I'd like fixed, things I'd like added, and things will be added that I disagree with, and I accept these facts. I also trust that Squad cares about their product, and has made design decisions based on what they would like to see as a finished product. I remember the days when I found out about new games by walking the shelves at a store, patches were extremely rare, and my communication with a game company used an envelope and a stamp. Near instant communication is a wonder, but patience seems to be one of the virtues that the internet has helped destroy.
  11. Y'all did catch the fact that I said I paid for an "as-is" product, yes? And complained that the unfinished game was unfinished, right?
  12. You just posted a link to the thread you posted a link in.
  13. This is a damn good point! Why does Squad keep giving us a half-finished game? We paid our money for an as-is product, so they should give us the finished product now!
  14. I don't dig into the wider political situation on Kerbin, but my Kerbals are are assigned as follows: The first three are military pilots, of rank (1d4+2), branch of service is (1d4: 1=Air Force, 2=Navy, 3=Marines, 4=Air Force). The second group (5 Kerbals) are pilots ranked (1d4+1), branch is (1d4: 1=Air Force, 2=Navy, 3=Marines, 4=Army). The third and subsequent groups are rank/grade (1d4). Third group (8 Kerbals) are branch (1d6: 1=Air Force, 2=Navy, 3=Marines, 4=Army, 5/6=Scientist). Fourth and subsequent groups (8 Kerbals) are branch (1d10: 1=Air Force, 2=Navy, 3=Marines, 4=Army, 5-10=Scientist). Once I get beyond a single-crew capsule, the Mission Commander must be a pilot with at least one previous flight, or a non-pilot (Engineer or Scientist) with at least three previous missions. Promotions are handed out for certain numbers of flights (more credit for long duration missions, no credit if the crewmember is simply a passenger, such as a station crewmember lifting to the station), and if they get promoted to O7, they get pulled from flight rotation and get a desk job (or become a professor for Scientists).
  15. Private business are not known for acting out of the kindness of their hearts, or doing what is in people's best interests. Companies exist for the sole purpose of making money. I'd like to see private industry take over the LEO market. Let them launch satellites and supply missions to space stations, conduct research missions, or run tourist trips, etc. If they can make money on it, they will do it. Let NASA get back into the exploration game and handle the sort of missions that won't turn a profit in the short term and push the boundaries of what we are capable of.
  16. Gosh, I must have completely missed that part. Oh. I guess not. You might note that I never claimed we could send living people.
  17. We've launched a probe out of the solar system. People weigh less than probes. We can send a people anywhere we want to. And if we spend enough, we might stand a chance of the people surviving, or even being brought back.
  18. Actually, six manned SSTOs have been launched. They were rocket powered and not reusable. Each one also required a Saturn V to get to the launch site on the moon.
  19. Maybe the devs will add heat death to the Kerbal universe, and we can play in that. Or is that something that should be left to an expansion pack?
  20. I really hope they fix that rounding error on pi. Things just don't quite work out right when it's not set to four.
  21. Oh, my gods, yes. I remember the first time I watched that one. It was a colorized version, so I turned the color down on the TV to watch in B&W. It felt like every single line was something I had heard before, and half the scenes I had already seen. I just hadn't seen everything in the right order. I think that's the main reason so many "classic" movies don't play well today. Later film makers borrow shots, lines, plots, etc. from the really good stuff, so that when seen by a fresh audience today, all they see is the cliches that it spawned. That and the Hays Code. Some of those restrictions made things a bit predictable.
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