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Everything posted by razark

  1. I can understand some sort of atmosphere, but this is just a bit too hard of a transition, rather than a gradual thinning. Perhaps lower clouds would help, but I'm not sure what an appropriate altitude would be. Edit: Thank you, NathanKell, for saving me that much googling time.
  2. Let's see if this works: If you look just around the planet, you can see a darker band, with the clouds visible within it. It is most obvious where it crosses the brighter "galactic plane" area.
  3. It helps keep people interested. And NASA needs to keep people interested if they want to keep doing stuff.
  4. It looks like the clouds are pasted onto the top of the atmosphere, which causes an odd effect. It's as though there's a "ghost" planet that's visible at the horizon.
  5. Two parents and a neighborhood full of engineers, scientists, and astronauts involved, a Saturn V minutes away from the house, bits of tile and equipment, tons of photos, and the daily sound of T-38s overhead. Isn't that normal?
  6. Just found this mod. Looks awesome. Just tried this mod. It doesn't work. No sound. Just tried this, now it works: Now I'm going to have to play with this some more. Thanks!
  7. I seem to recall that one had a good model to base station research off of. A need to assign personnel and equipment, with varying degrees of return on investment throughout the experiment's run, and the possibility of running multiple experiments based on resources. It would also give us a reason to have different specializations of Kerbals, even if it was jut Pilot/Scientist to start with.
  8. Maybe you have to bring the film back to develop the pictures it didn't mention you were taking? That would explain having to return for 100%.
  9. "unlock steering." Haven't tried yet, so any issues with the 0.22 update?
  10. Yeah. The day after KSP .22, my congressionally mandated vaction comes to an end. (This thread soon to be locked for politics...)
  11. Why am I exited? Because I can't update the game while it's running.
  12. One is large, grey, and has a trunk. The other is a pachyderm.
  13. Fargnarbit! My employer said I had to start working again today. I was enjoying burning my vacation time! Why couldn't my two week congressionaly mandated vacation start tomorrow?
  14. That's not a general purpose thread, though. It's really a thread for discussion/building one specific program in kOS. We need two things: a thread to discuss general scripts/programming, and moderators that won't over-zealously close any such thread on the basis of the existing "space computer" thread.
  15. Obviously not. I said it was great on toast.
  16. It's a lifeform! It's a science project! And it's a great spread for toast!
  17. It's not real at all. Since October 1st, I have been able to play KSP.
  18. I think a good method to handle space stations would be to generate so much science, with decreasing results as time passes, with a return to the original level of output when you rotate the crew.
  19. Sinclair ZX-81: z80 @ 3.25 MHz 1 kB stock, this one has the 16 kB memory expansion But for everyday calculating, I use the Picket Microline 120 slide rule in Eye Saver yellow.
  20. Have you tried www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LRO/news/apollo-sites.html‎? You should be able to locate them through google.
  21. Can't say that I've ever been to Jool, so I'll have to leave it for others to say.
  22. I find the effect much better. Thank you. Looking forward to see where this mod goes.
  23. Comic Sans (and other things done "because it's cute") has a place for use. For example, take an email with orange Comic Sans font on a confetti background. If it is a personal email, it's fine. When you send it from a .gov address as part of a business process, it's not.
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