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Everything posted by razark

  1. That's one big pot of mod soup there. Except if it's some sort of interaction between two mods in different halves. With that many mods, narrowing down the issue could be quite a task. That's one of the problems with a request of this type. Very few people are going to have the exact same KSP setup, so each person could end up with bizarre results.
  2. Your best bet is to try it yourself. Different mods could cause oddities to happen, and no one has a database of what mod mixes are going to work. Try it and see if it works. If it doesn't, think about what might have changed. Try a new mix. Or, you can start with stock and install mods one by one until something breaks. Then you will need to figure out what broke, why it broke, and what you can do to fix it.
  3. What a silly question. You act like you've never seen someone living backwards in time before.
  4. KSP videos? I find myself doing that with any video of rockets. Pictures, too.
  5. Centralized information in a summary format would be extremely useful. I simply don't have the time to watch a half hour or longer video to pick out a couple of details. Not to mention articles/blogs/wiki/etc. All this seems like it should be the sort of stuff that makes it into the Announcements section. I generally find out details by picking it up from various forum threads.
  6. I understand the nodes would exist in reality. I was questioning whether they are considered to exist in the game, so that you could time launches off of them. I believe I may have worded it badly. Based on what I'm looking at on the map screen now that I'm actually in the game, the nodes do not appear. Either they do no appear because they are underground, or they are not drawn because the game knows your are on the ground. I'm also not seeing the dashed lines that accompany them, so I'm guessing they simply aren't calculated/displayed for a landed ship.
  7. And, as a stockholder of the company, you are entitled to information pertaining to Squad's business practices. You are a stockholder, right? Because otherwise, if you are not an owner, investor, or employee of Squad, it's none of your business how they choose to run theirs.
  8. I'm not sure, but does the node actually exist if you're sitting on the pad waiting to launch? If the node does exist, then it would be the point at which you would launch. You could use the Kerbal Alarm Clock mod, which would allow you to get the time until node. Otherwise, you'd need to know the angle between launch site and node, and then figure how long it will take the planet to turn that far. Short of using a protractor on the screen, I don't know of an easy way to get that angle if you're looking for a stock way.
  9. Except that the game already does this. If you've ever been at the pad, and had a ship/probe/whatever pass overhead at less than 100 km, it will draw the "here's something" cross and distance labels. Simply replace the cross with a white dot, and extend the distance it's drawn from 100 to 500 km, and you've got a reasonable system. For better accuracy, it should only show the dot when the sun is not visible to the observer, but the observed craft is in direct sunlight.
  10. You don't need to worry about nodes. You just need to wait until KSC is directly under the orbital path of your station. Once you have KSC under the orbital path, launch on a heading that matches your station. This would either be 63 or 117 degrees, depending on the direction the station is traveling. (Although, when launching, you might want to keep in mind that you already have a sizable amount of speed towards 90 degrees. It may help if you aim somewhat north of 63 or south of 117.
  11. Put a probe out in a high orbit. I've got one at 83 million or so, right at the edge of Kerbin's SOI. Put yourself in whatever parking orbit you want, switch to the probe, and timewarp all you want.
  12. Nothing in Houston? I figured they'd have something.
  13. Han didn't confuse units. He did it to see if the rubes that were hiring him knew anything. If they catch on and call him on his BS, the price goes down. If they don't catch it, he knows he can charge them more.
  14. I thought the two had some problems (the kOS terminal not catching space or backspace keypresses, for example), but I was able to use them together without noticing any problem the other day.
  15. So, we're supposed to be treated as equals by a company, but the moderators on the forum are just faceless drones? I am truly amused.
  16. Honestly, how many companies do y'all interact with on any given day? Do you expect each and every one of those companies to inform you about changes in their employees?
  17. Or you could randomly run across it at the store. I've got the entire series on DVD on my shelf, and I intend to actually watch all of it sometime.
  18. Sticky note, you say? Oh. Well, it'll probably come off if I scrub hard enough.
  19. "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this afternoon is out, of landing a Kerbal on the mun and returning him safely to Kerbin." --President John F. Kernedy
  20. A. What do you want to do? B. What have you tried? C. What happened? D. What didn't happen that should have happened? E. We don't read minds. F. "There was an error." is a useless bug report.
  21. I highly doubt the launch/mission crew and the sales department share much in the way of staff.
  22. Sounds like they have a method that works for them. Chances are that they won't bother with the house. Try this stuff against an attacker armed with a gun? You'll get shot.
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