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Everything posted by Nhawks17

  1. You guys should check out the OP next time. It says in the known issues section I can only imagine that Blackrack is a busy man and you all not reading the OP doesn't help
  2. @CobraFive you actually like the look of the old ones????? I think it looks absolutely horrendous @sDaZe make me a new photo album
  3. Ok, well this Kopernicus update was a big one so I'm not entirely surprised by that. Like I said earlier, I won't be re-adding them until I redo them so we will have to do without Also, looks like you need to disable one of the eclipse functionalities from either Scatterer or EVE. You have both on right now
  4. Good thing Github has the older versions
  5. Should be plug in play. I'm not going to add them back in until I redo them however but you can grab the stuff from the old versions and see if they work.
  6. SVE just has alternate cloud textures and configs. There are more and some are higher resolution than EVE (if you use the higher resolution versions). Really just a preference on which clouds you like better. Nothing? They're still there.
  7. Update for the masses! This is just a general update to include the latest files for the dependencies in the download as well as adding some new configs that have been made since the last release. This version officially ends support for KSP 1.0.5 as 1.1 is in full release so make sure you're on the latest version! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RealPlume-Stock v0.10.5 - Jool DIRECT support - Eve Optimized Engines support - Module Manager update - Smoke Screen update -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOO! KSP 1.1 is out!! Rejoice!
  8. I actually deleted it after testing My Mac is suffering from low drive space so I didn't keep it
  9. Really wish I could help you with this I'm just really at a loss. I tested it on my Mac and it worked fine and I just tested in on OGL on Windows and it worked fine D:
  10. You might have to modify the config files then to remove the specific aurora layers and the detail light config. You'll have to figure that out on your own though
  11. For the daytime lights go into the SVE folder then EVE and then navigate to the city lights textures folder and delete the daytime detail texture. You can remove auroras in the same manner by going to the Atmosphere texture folder and deleting the aurora textures The pictures in the OP are on a dated version of SVE and Scatterer. Things have changed since then and the results will not look like what they are showing. Are you sure they're static? They move slowly in general, try using time warp and looking at it and you'll see they move
  12. No there is not. This is a limitation of SmokeScreen if I'm recalling correctly.
  13. Yeahhhh.... When I had it on Kerbal Stuff they did some sorta trickery to get it all to work right but I have no clue how they did it and I don't have their netkan file to look at. If you want to try and figure it out you're more than welcome to do so I'd be highly appreciative
  14. Not anytime soon no. When I have the time to figure out the annoyance that is netkan I will
  15. First update for the full release of KSP 1.1! This means versions compatible with KSP 1.0.5 are no longer supported and I will not provide help unless you're on one of the latest SVE releases Enyoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SVE v0.6.3 - Updated bundled EVE to latest version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOO!!!! KSP 1.1!!! YAAHHH!!!!!! all hail the glorious blue text
  16. Well I can't do anything without pictures and logs
  17. The clouds are just very dark as they would be IRL, they're just difficult to see
  18. The black cities bug has been an issue for awhile. I have it listed in the OP. Test it with EVE though and see if it does it then. If it's just SVE I think I might know what causes it
  19. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SVE v0.6.2 [KSP 1.1] - Adjusted Kerbin volumetric clouds - Updated included EVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More FPS, More Bugs! Maybe....
  20. I'll get a fix out sometime today. Sorry guys, didn't notice it myself but I shall fix it
  21. I dunno man :/ It worked fine on my Mac, looked just like it does on my PC. Do you have a Mac with an integrated GPU or is it a dedicated one?
  22. Are you sure its not the angle? Sorta looks like it is
  23. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SVE v0.6.1 [KSP 1.1] - Increased volumetric clouds on Kerbin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glory to the floofy clouds! Aaand SVE is working completely fine on my Mac @sp1989 so it's something you've done to your files.
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