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Everything posted by Nhawks17

  1. Well everything was working fine in the last dev release between Scatterer and EVE. Once I updated to the "shadows" update of EVE, that's when all of this starting occurring.
  2. Correct, only in map view, but it happens on any planet no matter where an active ship is. The pictures you see in the thread are with a ship on Kerbin.
  3. Blackraaaacckkk, I have a bug for you I'm going to point you towards this post in the EVE thread. I'm using the latest 1.1 pre-release version of EVE as well as the latest Scatterer (also the .shader file that fixes the black line on the horizon).
  4. Err.. no... Since it is the scatterer layer acting funky Should I report this to blackrack?
  5. Moho city light configs I don't remember adding that.... But the shadows.cfg is probably what is doing it I'll add that and get back to you Edit: Yup, that config did it. Should've glanced at the config zip as well before updating, sorry about that. However, I'm not finding where you're seeing the Moho city lights config? Edit 2: Oh goodness, more bugs. Uno momento, posting updates in a sec Edit 3: Seems to be something funky going on.... This is only occurring in map view however, everything is fine when you're focused on a vessel. The scatterer layer seems to be in the wrong place now, as you move the camera around you catch it as it passes over the planet though, it's strange. But then there's Eve where it's just pitch black. KSP.log output_log.txt
  6. I think something went wrong Launched it with the latest 1.1 pre-release of EVE and everything is black. Clouds are set to RGBA, dunno if that makes a difference. I tried switching it to AlphaMap but this was still occurring. KSP.log output_log.txt
  7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RealPlume-Stock v0.10.3 [KSP 1.1] - Updated more config files - Added support for Home Grown Rockets -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know what to put here for this update, so hai
  8. How does this work alongside Scatterer's similar features?
  9. Those things were in reference to my development of SVE (the port of this mod to stock planets).
  10. Ok, that's fine with me. Is there a way to do it through ModuleManager or would we have to overwrite engine configs? It's easy to change it to something you like! Just open up the config you want to change and there's only two lines you'd need to correct
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RealPlume-Stock v0.10.2 [KSP 1.1] - Updated SmokeScreen - Updated a ton of mod configs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DerpyFirework is the greatest edition
  12. Ahhh, ok cool. Good to know. Going to get an update out asap!
  13. Huh, interesting. What is this referencing to in the engine config?
  14. Brilliant! I won't be able to test them in-game as I'm not with my PC right now. I will take a look at the configs though and see if I see anything. Thank you again for working on them @DerpyFirework is the Rapier engine working with the .... @MODULE[ModuleEngines*],0 .... @MODULE[ModuleEngines*],1 .... in the config instead of what it was before?
  15. One of us.. One of us... ONE OF US.... ONE OF USSS!!!!!
  16. Those are a bit old indeed. The visuals you see are with a very old versions of Scatterer and blackrack has since changed the way the default shaders look. Eventually I'm going to make custom Scatterer configs and shaders which will make it look less "EVE-like" As we watch all of our GPU's catch fire
  17. Well... I mean... that's what it is. SVE just has different cloud textures than EVE
  18. EVE manager? You mean the GUI? It's Alt + 0
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