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Everything posted by Nhawks17

  1. You can just delete the city lights and terrain folders in the BoulderCo folder and they will not show up, you'll just get the clouds.
  2. What I meant by that is that the textures in the UR version are 8k so the likelihood that someone could run that version on a 32-bit Windows version without crashing is very low so I recommended only using that version on Linux as there is no issue with it crashing since Linux KSP is 64-bit. There is no modified files in it, just high resolution textures.
  3. It might be that KSPRC uses a different version of EVE than what I have bundled. I'm not sure which version Proot bundled with KSPRC. I haven't noticed the clouds disappearing myself but I have only tested with DX9 and DX11. Hopefully rbray will start working on EVE soon so he can fix some of these bugs and I'll be able to get a new version out
  4. The mod is now on SpaceDock! You can find it here, enjoy the new Kerbal Stuff
  5. You're more than likely running out of memory if it's crashing on texture loading. You need the EVE plugins as a required file, not the texture and config files rbray has.
  6. Those terrain shadows are so subtle but add so much to the visual look of the terrain its crazy. As always, fantastic fantastic work Blackrack!
  7. It's not possible to do this in the current version of EVE. Hopefully rbray will add that feature back in at a later point
  8. It's funny... I looked for everything else besides the configs But yes, Jso is correct in the fact that the configs are not there.
  9. It looks like you're running Module Manager 2.6.5 which is 13 versions behind the latest one. Try updating that to the latest and see if it works then.
  10. No, they just need to be somewhere in the GameData folder, will you post the logs so I can look at them please.
  11. No it's not. When you're in the VAB, look a description for a stock engine and tell me if it has an addon in the description that says Plume configured by Real Plume.
  12. For logs? No, I just need the KSP.log and the output_log.txt files
  13. In a way. They will still show on engines that have been scaled up or down but the plumes will not scale with them. Nothing that I've run into, did you install everything in the gamedata folder including RealPlume, Module Manager, and Smoke Screen?
  14. Just so everyone knows, I have the mod on SpaceDock now so you can find it here if necessary.
  15. But Kasper, Squad doesn't listen to the community what are you talking about!? /s
  16. These arguments are breaking my heart, come on guys, the KSP community is so much better than this. Can't we all just accept the fact that Squad chose Curse for reasons they do NOT need to explain to us? Kerbal Stuff was made after it was coming to light that Squad was going to start using Curse if I'm recalling correctly so they weren't even given that website as an option when they were trying to decide what to replace Spaceport with. Plus, everyone complains about curse and its ads, the idea is for everyone to use Kerbal CurseFORGE which does not use ads at all, I actually really like Curseforge, and I'd recommend it to anyone but also would recommend Kerbal Stuff to them. It's really not as big of a deal as everyone is making it out to be, Kerbal Stuff is coming back and Curseforge is going to stay, everyone should just take a deep breath and appreciate that we have a community willing to develop an alternative website and a developer who really does listen to its community (no matter how many people say they don't) more than any game I've seen in awhile (minus Star Citizen but that's for obvious reasons).
  17. People in the #ckan IRC channel are moving really fast getting the Kerbal Stuff reboot up and running. Seems only a matter of tweaks and getting the domain and mods moved over and it'll be ready.
  18. You need to install it over the actual version of scatterer. The folder in my download only includes configuration files.
  19. Ah well.. Doesn't matter now, pingopete already did it ages ago Thanks for the help Well considering they are all in the download and it does say fileS... yes.. you need to. The EnviromentalVisualEnhancements, Scatterer, and StockVisualEnhancements all need to be in your Gamedata.
  20. Grab the KSP.log and the output_log.txt from your install
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