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Everything posted by Nhawks17

  1. City textures are currently having known issues with Scatterer installed. As to why clouds aren't showing some logs and pictures would be useful
  2. Ahh, are there any other mods you have installed? If so just try using SVE with the bundled EVE and the latest Scatterer version Yeah this is an issue with EVE right now. Can't do anything about it unfortunately
  3. Weren't you in the EVE forum thread showing how you had city lights on Duna? How is nothing happening Did excellent work anyways I don't know why feathering wasn't working properly on my Photoshop... Oh well
  4. Hmm... that is very strange, you used the bundled EVE correct? I haven't seen this since EVE was in the Overhaul branch....
  5. Hey those are SVE's city light textures This looks like am old bug EVE used to have. Did you install SVE through CKAN?
  6. Anyone else absolutely in love with this look of Jool? I actually got something I'm very, very happy with and I have to thank @pingopete so much, I found your old Jupiter textures which let me get a really nice feathered layer look, its amazing :3 Edit: There are some discrepancies on the edges of the texture but I plan on trying to convert this over to cubemap anyways so it'll be fixed before release
  7. It might be the compression with transparency that's causing the issue, that'd make more sense. Didn't even really pay attention to the terminator color haha. I'll make sure to mess with the value of it to make it look a little better.
  8. Whaat, weird. Neither I or Proot (that I know of) could get compressed PNGs working. And it actually didn't take that long. I looked at rbray's post here and just guessed that the endings stood for back, left, right, front, up, down and went off of that. And it worked out pretty well except for the y coordinates which were mixed up. I do hope the DDS textures work because having large PNG files are going to be killer RAM wise for some users.
  9. Well that was a joyride and a half. Guys calm down I'm sure Proot will have FPS solutions for everyone soon enough
  10. Oooh, I'll have to go searching for the old ones! Regarding the cube maps. I'm assuming you use Photoshop yes? I use a plugin called Flexify 2 (here's a direct download link from the Flamming Pear team). Just install that like any other plugin and open the 2D cloud map that you want to convert. Then go to Filter > Flaming Pear > Flexify 2. Then I'll show you in pictures what to do Hope this helps! If you need anymore help besides that I'm more than happy to I've talked to the CKAN team about this. I'm releasing my current versions marked as pre-release on Github so CKAN doesn't recognize those. When I release my next version it won't be marked as pre-release however and CKAN will update properly.
  11. Well the plumes are actually very simple to change. You can open up the configs and pick the correct plume from this list and it'll change it. The ullage and retro motors don't have plumes right now due to them being physicless parts and are unable to have plumes applied to them due to SmokeScreen which was discussed here. But, if you'd like to change the engines to use the correct fuel plume you can change them and submit a pull request on Github and I'll have them in the release.
  12. The unfixer isn't something that goes in your Gamedata, it scans .dll files in your Gamedata to see if they have the flag that disables the mod on 64-bit and removes it so the mod functions properly.
  13. You're using the 64-bit hack I assume? Have you used the 64-bit unfixer on your Gamedata? I don't see anything suggesting what could be causing that in the logs so the only thing I can suggest is to make sure you have everything unfixed and then removing mods individually until you find which one caused it.
  14. If I'm remembering correctly I think @Proot got it working in KSPRC. I didn't look into how he did the reflections but I'm guessing it is through Texture Replacer. I could be wrong though.. I might've dreamed that.....
  15. I've been trying to do that but it's acting strange whenever I try to cut the layer and not taking everything. I'm going to look into it more and see if I can get it to stop doing that. Thank ya!
  16. It might be something in the version of EVE I have bundled. The one I have bundles is a development version while the plain EVE is using an older release version. Might be something conflicting in that. I'll do testing myself and see if I can find anything and report it to the necessary people if needed. Thanks! Edit: Just so I have them, could you link your KSP.log and your output_log.txt file. KSP.log is in your root folder and the output_log.txt is in the KSP_Data folder
  17. No, that would just cause the game to crash. Are you going into a save and seeing that they aren't there or do you just not see them on the main menu? Read my post above this and answer the same question Ahh, that explains it Sorry to hear that
  18. In your Gamedata folder is there an EnviromentalVisualEnhancement folder as well? What are your PC specs? I haven't had any issues running this at 60 fps but I am running a GTX 970. I haven't seen this being too heavy on most people's frames though.
  19. Pingo did you get cubemaps worked out for this or have you not done that yet? I just recently figured out how to get it working so if you do need help I'll be glad to
  20. Wait what, did I miss something is 1.1 coming within two weeks
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